Tuesday, November 4, 2008

33 John Daniels

1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)
Do you want your kids to be over weight and not know about their environment? Physical education and learning about the world is the best way to learn and develop social skills. A P.E. and recess area would help keep kids fit and they could learn to interact. If we had water and snacks we could reenergize so we won’t be tired. Field trips would help us learn about our society and if we went to different countries we can learn about the world.
To make school better we need a P.E. room with air conditioning. That way kids will be fit and stay cool. We should also have a playground and recess area. Kids would learn to interact and get along with each other. It would also help us to get to act like a little kid again.
A snack and water break would help everyone. Students could reenergize and get ready for learning. Students get tired easily so we need food to wake up. Things like energy bars and Powerade would give us a lot of energy.
Educational field trips would help students learn about the community. They would also help to learn about the subject the trip is about. I think we should be able to go to different countries. We could learn how they live and know about their culture. We could also learn their language.
These are probably the best ways to spend the money you will give us. These things will help students learn, be active, and interact with others.

2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)

3. Response to Literature
Check with Mr. R.

4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Check with Mr. R.
5. History: 8th Grade: Declaration of Independence Project, American Revolution Project (word & excel parts), Constitution
The Constitution
By John Daniels

There will be a 5% tax on everything you buy except food.
There will also be a monthly tax on house and your car. It
will a 10% tax on what you paid for it.
At least one person in every house hold has to vote when
election time comes. You have to vote on your representative, your senator, and the president. There will be three branches of government, the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch.
Police have the right to arrest adults who aren’t obeying the law. If kids aren’t obeying the law then the police calls their parents. The army will protect the country from danger.
Laws can be made by people sending in ideas to their representative and then all the representatives will vote on it. The law can also be made into a law in only one state if the people in that state vote on it.
Representatives will be elected every year. The same representative can be elected every year if the people vote on him or her. The president will be elected every four years. The same president can also be elected every time if the people vote on him.
All three branches have the same amount of power. The legislative branch votes on a law and if it passes then it goes to the president who can sigh it or veto it. The judicial branch will make sure the law is constitutional and fair.
You must start school at the age of 7 or younger. You must at least finish high school but collage is optional. To get into collage you must finish high school with a C average.
Treaties can be made between other countries. The treaty must be good for the country. It cannot take away anyone’s rights. It cannot raise taxes or lower our defenses. We can also trade between other countries to help the economy.
Defenses will be made from the army, the navy, the air force, and the marines. The navy will protect the coast, the air force will protect the skies, the army will cover the ground, and the marines can protect everything.
To provide our country with energy we can dig oil or get some from other countries. We should also invest in renewable resources like water, wind, and geothermal. Scientist can also create energy from plants and solar energy.
No firearms will be sold to anyone with a criminal record. Children under fourteen can not hold a firearm. You must be at least eighteen to own a firearm. Drugs will only be sold with a prescription except pain killers and cold medicine. Drug dealers will be put in jail.
All of these ideas can be changed if they don’t work. Things can be added if needed. This constitution was made so all people will have equal right and this country will be great for all who obey the laws.

What the Declaration of Independence says
What it means
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Everyone is equal and has all the same rights.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
If the government is abusing the people then the people have the right to get rid of it and change it.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government
The colonies are tired of the king so they’re going to make a new government.
That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved;
The colonies are separating from Britian and all political connections with them are broken.
that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.
The colonies can still have connections with Britian but they wont rule them.
Due 11/21/08 Fiction Summary: Thank You Ma'am
Roger is a good kid but he's poor so he has to steal. He tries to steal from Mrs. Jones but she grabs him and drags him to her house. She makes him wash his face and then she gives him food. When he's going to leave she gives him ten dollars. He always says thank you for everything she does for him.
I think she does this so he will learn that he doesn't have to steal. She doesn't want Roger to go to jail because she knows that he's a good person. I think Roger learns his leason and when he grows up he will have a good job.
Due 11/21/08 Non-Fiction Summary: The Long Hard Journey
George Pullman owned a train company called the Pullman Trains. He started hiring ex-slaves as porters in 1867. He thought about hiring ex-slaves because they were used to serving people and he didn't have to pay them as high.
Being a porter was highly respected. many women wanted to be married to a porter. It even had better pay than most jobs. The porters got to travel the country on luxurios trains.
On the other hand some people abused the porters. They would make them do crazy things that porters couldn't refuse. They even got hit sometimes. The good thing was they got a big tip.
White Pullman employees were forced to live in houses that Pullman built. The rents were high but the salary was low so some people were starving. The white employees started to rebel and the company shut down. Then a court order made the workers go back to work. they had to sign a contract that said they wouldn't rebel again.
After Pullman died in 1897 the company continued to grow. Pullman company bought out many diffrent train companies. Now they had many sleeping cars added to the company. All the workersbecame nonunion workers.
Algal Blooms
Red tides are killing a lot of whales. Red tides are piosonous saltwater algal blooms. Algal blooms are large growths of algae. Red tides often occer when there is an increase of nutreants in the wanter. Increase in temperature also helps them grow.
Whales die when they eat the poisonous algae or when they eat fish that ate the algae. People are using satellites to predict where the red tides will be.

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