Thursday, May 21, 2009

35 Kirstine Donegan - Project

Kirstine Donegan
Mr. Rachlin

Personal Conversations

• Dr. Corey Bloom (MS specialist at UCSD Medical Hospital): April 30, 2009
• Dr. Serena (Child Neurologist At Naval Hospital): April 23, 2009
• National MS Society: May 03, 2009



Cold Vests

Kirstine Donegan


Mr. Rachlin


Enjoying your son’s, daughter’s, brother’s, sister’s, friend’s summer activities, or participating is sports and exorcise, seems like something that could never hurt you. However, people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have fear of going out in hot summer months, or exorcising, because this puts them at a high risk of a MS attack. Artic Heat USA originated in Australia, as the leading brand of Cold Vests (a vest that keeps your body temperature cooler for people with Multiple Sclerosis). The invention has been most commonly recommended by leading MS doctors such as: Dr. Corey Bloom, including research studiers for medicines such as Copaxone, as well as, the National MS Society.

There are many different brands of Cold Vests around the world. However, Artic Heat USA, has recently been given the title of the leading Cold Vest in not only Australia, but in the United States (US). The reason it has became so successful is that Artic Heat USA uses top of the line cooling material as well as ice packs. It was designed to take only minutes to recharge and leave you with hours to occupy it. The idea was originally for athletes, then the MS activists as well as patients with MS caught on and now it is a phenomenon. The vest can be used by all body types, because it comes in sizes XS – XXXL.

The Vest has saved many lives, however it still has few limitations. Patients with MS may have difficulty carrying the 2.2 pound vest for too long. As well it is bulky and clothes don’t fit over or under. Other problems such as leaking can occur. However, the positive aspects outweigh the negative.

Multiple Sclerosis has taken many lives and altered tragically others. If you have MS don’t deprive yourself of summer activities or exorcise because of the fear of an attack. Artic Heat USA has the answer for you. Today many people have been enjoying life with MS with no problems from the heat, you can do that too. Neurologists, scientists and societies recommend Artic Heat USA Cold Vest’s as well, studies have shown it works, start enjoying your summer today!

Persuasive Essay

Kirstine Donegan


Mr. Rachlin


Today we are called the Millennium Kids. This means we want it all. However, with Artic Heat USA Cold Vest’s we are not getting it all. Announcing to the world that you have Multiple Sclerosis is a frightening thought, and you should have the choice weather to tell people. Wearing a Cold Vest made for people with MS is announcing that you have MS, and that is not fair. As well a bulky inaccessible vest robs us of fashion choices. Not to mention, MS is known to affect your muscles, carrying 2.2 pounds for more than an hour may not be the easiest. However, Cool Clothes is a fashion line from top fashion companies like, Ed Hardy and Volcom, teaming up with the leading brand of cooling material.

Cool Clothes combines top selling clothing companies and cooling thin cloth like material. Basically a clothing line designed for people with MS. A whole month starting at $60 which is less than a cold vest. As well the clothes can be reused and washed like normal clothes. No one will know that those are actually clothes that keep you cool. Making it so that no can know if you have MS, unless you choose to tell them. Cool Clothes gives you the choice! They come in sizes, XXS – XXXXXXXL and can come in infant, toddler, kids, juniors, and adults clothing as well in pajamas.

You are correct, that most patcients would be willing to do anything to stop an oncoming attack. However that is only representing adults with MS. Teenagers above anyone else will follow trends, and if it’s not in they won’t wear it. Cold Vest’s are not in, and it’s not fair that a child that is already dealing with MS will have to put aside personal style because of their disability. However, if it was at their best interest they would wear it. Should an individual have to give up something they like because of a disability? Is that giving that individual the same life as someone without the disease? No.

When walking into a room of strangers it is already an uncomfortable situation. When wearing a vest that practically tells the world that you have MS it is even more uncomfortable. Everyone has secrets and it has been a choice weather to tell.

Living with MS is already hard enough. Why make it harder with a vest that you have to charge before wearing? MS is known to cause memory problems. When you forget to charge your vest, you could be set minute’s late waiting for your vest to become cold again. However that is not the only problem with the actual design of the vest. Your natural body temperature will heat the vest as well as the temperature outside, causing it to melt, and possibly even leak; as well maneuvering in a soaking vest is extremely difficult. With Cool Clothes, there is no charging, and no ice packs, just cooling material. So there is no worry that it will leak.

Although, 2.2 pounds sounds like a lightweight invention, individuals with MS have muscle problems: cramps, aches, and weakness. 2.2 pounds for a 2 hour trip could be tiring and detrimental. Added weight is added heat. Although the vest is cold it does melt, and after melted it can become hot.

Cool Clothes gives you the choice! Cold Vest’s gives you little opportunity to express yourself or even keep some things secret. Today we want it all, and we’re not getting it. Right now is the time to get what you want, and market Cool Clothes!

Look Cute and

Stay Cool With COOL CLOTHES!




  • Call us and order
  • We will send you the items of clothing that you picked in the sizes that you requested.
  • Basically Put on the clothes like you would any other

For Washing

· Do not mix whites and colors

· Do not mix Cool Clothes with other clothes

· Uses Cold water

23 johnny persuasive


I believe the paraplegic should be helped because of their many problems. No one person should suffer. so we should make their life easier we should do everything in our power to help them because they are just like you and me. And they should have some chances Just because they cant use their legs because they were born different that doesn’t mean they should be treated different. Most people are trying to help them and there always on their but so we could imagine isn’t that bad its actually mind numbing depressing how would you feel so they deserve to be helped
And that’s why I want you to sponsor this invention. And you will like it because the people who buy it will like it because its good. Its electric its all terrain its good for your back including a but massage
a support wheel that doesn’t allow him to fall back while goes up hill and also can be adjusted to how ever your back wants to be
And there are over a couple thousands of Paraplegic that would love having this wheel chair for going outdoors I know people that want this and their thousands who would want it world wide were there not much concrete because its all a lot of dirt so they probably would really need so its in big demand everywhere and and there are millions of people who would want this invention everywhere

23 johhny instructions

  • Instructions
  • To move the wheel chair you move the knob on arm wrest
  • To adjust wheel chair to the position you want to sit you move the button on arm wrest next to knob
  • To un build wheel chair you pull a wire on the frame and to build you just connect
  • To change the battery you unscrew the screws and put in new battery and screw in the screws
  • And to connect support wheel just put in back behind battery and screw in

23 johnny report

the landeez
this all terrain wheel chair is good. There are many wheel chairs out in the world. But no wheel chair is as spectacular as this one .This wheelchair can go anywhere including over rocks in snow on sand and many more terrains
. Or outdoor family activities this an incredible wheel chair you can be taken anywhere.
Because this wheel chair works by its large wheels and sturdy steel body. Especially made for all terrains.
It does not weigh much so you can un build this wheel chair and its very portable
and the problems this wheel chair doesnt have many
just that its manual. so when you are pushing someone you get tired but its worth it so they can be outside and that its not possible to push himself anywhere so someone has to push him at all times

Monday, May 18, 2009

43 barbara padilla double timeline

Cause of Civil War:
Tallmadge Amendment-
In February 1819, James Tallmadge had proposed the idea that would any further introduction of slavery into Missouri and declared that all children born of slave parents after the admission of the state should be free upon reaching the age of twenty-five.
Missouri Compromise-
Settling the Tallmadge amendment, the Missouri compromise was made in 1820. This compromise stated that Missouri could enter the union as a slave state, as long as Maine was to enter as a free state.

Second Great Awakening-
The second great awakening happened in the 1820s-30s. When people started looking at the bible for guidance they realized the wrong they were doing with slaves. People started to look for reform through religion.

Abolitionist Movement Starts-
The abolishment movement lasted from 1820-about 1840. This was a period of time were people were in the spirit of reform. People tried to abolish slavery, and tried to regain equal rights for all people.

Wilmot Proviso-
David Wilmot proposed the idea in 1846 that nay land gained from the Mexican session is prohibited from any form of slavery; this proviso was defeated in 1848.

Compromise of 1850-
In 1850 Henry Clay composed thee Compromise of 1850. In that compromise he stated the idea that California was admitted to the union as a free state, so long as New Mexico and Utah were territories open to slavery. He had the idea that this compromise would please both the North and South, but unfortunately it didn’t do any one justice.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin-
Uncle toms cabin was a book published in 1852. This was the story of a slave and his owner. The slave was beaten to death by his master, yet while he was get beaten, he was praying for his master and begging for his life on his knees. The book infuriated the South and opened the eyes of those in the North.

Kansas Nebraska Act-
The Kansas Nebraska act was proposed by Stephen A. Douglas in 1854. This act stated that the laws on slavery held in the land of Kansas and Nebraska would be settled by popular sovereignty. This meant that the people there would be able to decide the fate of those sates themselves. This uprooted many problems.

Dred Scott Case-
The Dred Scott cases happened in 1857. A slave by the name of Dred Scott has traveled north with his master and stated that since he was on free land, he was a free man. When he was not given his right to freedom, he went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court had other decisions to make beside whether or not Scott was a slave or free man. They had to decide if he even had the right to go to court. The court decided that Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom, because he was not a citizen, nor could he even become one. The court also stated that slaves were property, and it is against the 5ht amendment to take away the property of an American.

Lincoln vs. Douglas-
Lincoln and Douglas debated over the issue of slavery in 1858. The each had different views on the issues but in the end Lincoln had lost the debate

John Brown-
In 1858 John Brown had set up a raid to try and involve African Americans to fight against slavery. He broke into a place where they held a lot of infantry and tried fighting but was very unsuccessful. He was convicted and sent to be hanged in 1859.

South Secedes-
The South was fed up with the thought of not being treated as equals. During the election of Lincoln, Lincoln was no where on the ballots in the South. However, he ended up being the president of the United States. The South felt as if they had no voice and were not untied with the 'Untied States'. So they decided to separate and this led to the civil war.

Manifest destiny:
Louisiana Purchase-
In 1803 the United States were able to buy this amazing amount of land from Napoleon for only 15 million, which was only about a couple a cents an acre.

Ceded by Spain-
Because of problems that the U.S. was having with Indians and run-away slaves in 1819 with Florida, President Monroe told Spain to govern their state or get out, and they decided to get out.

Texan War-
The Texan war occurred in 1835, the Texans fought for their independence from Mexico. They won in 1838 with many lost battles but one lasting victory at San Jacinto.

Texas Annexation-
In 1849 the United States was able to annex Texas because Texas had just became their own state after they left the control of Mexico. This annexation cause problems with the United States and Mexico.

Organ Territory-
The Organ Territory happened in 1846. The Untied States had argued with Great Britain about that territory, but they did not want to risk war. We ended up taking about half of organ because it was of great use to Americans with the Organ Trail.

Mexican Cession-
In 1848, after the Texas annexation, Mexico was not on good terms with the U.S. After the war between the united states and Mexico, the Untied states won and was able to claim most of the west side of the Untied States. Though there was a misunderstanding with the boundaries of the newly gained land, everything turned out right in the end.

Transcontinental Railroad-
The Untied States new that there needed to be a way of connecting California to the rest of the Untied States, that is where the idea of the railroad came to be in 1850. However, it wasn't until 1853 that Congress had approved the survey of routes and not until 1858 that cars were starting to be built for the railroads. Then in 1862 Congress approved of the making of the railroad, and it was completely linked in 1881.

27 ruben

Thursday, May 14, 2009