Tuesday, January 26, 2010


what games can teach us
thesis: media and games DO help and make an improvement in a young life.
argument: the son of Gee actually was studied and the results were amazing he started to read books that have 10 letters in one word.
argument: in universities there were students studied and the results from the onece that played and the onece that didin´t were absolutley shoking. the once that played wre better at keeping trac at stuff and picking out objects.
counter argument:the kids would have an adiction and all they would want to do is to play their game.
answer: yes, at the time but when it comes down to paper and a paper they will have all the brains they need.
call to action:these games will improve the grades of kids

Anzueth English homework

Thursday, January 21, 2010



-How volcanoes are formed
Volcanoes are usually formed around area on the earth where the tectonic plates are. The plates crack and magma comes flowing out through the crust. The magma hardens and forms layers. The layers then form a volcano.
-How lava is formed
Deep in the earth there is a mantle. The mantle melts and moves through thin pieces of the crust. The crust then releases hot ash and rock. After the hot ash and rock are through the magma comes out of cracks in the crust.
- Melting rocks
Extremely high pressure causes the mantle to melt. There are different types of magma. Such as: Mafic which is rich and dark lava, and. Felsic which is lava that consists of feldspars. Also intermediate. Mafic hardens into a dark igneous rock, Intermediate into a dark colored volcanic rock, and Felsic into a light gray hard rock.
-Volcanic Hazards
Volcanoes have a lot of hazards. First poisonous volcanic ash fills the air. Second Landslides form and they destroy structures. Then flowing lava can also destroy structures and kill people. Lastly the volcano can collapse.
-Types of volcanoes
There are many different types of volcanoes. The first type is a shield volcano. A shield volcano is a large volcano it has a broad summit and low sloping areas. Next is Cinder Cone volcano. A cinder cone has mounds of basaltic fragments, it carries liquid blobs of lava then they get spurt out and rain and form a cone shape. The last type is a strato volcano. They are built by multiple eruptions. They stand higher than cinder cones.
-Volcanoes form in different ways
Volcanoes erupt in different ways because it depends on what plate they form on. If a volcano is on a hot spot then the lava forms a chain. If the plates collide the lava tends to explode out. When the plates are separating the lava comes out smoother and it flows down.
-Can we predict when a volcano is going to erupt?
We can predict when a volcano is going to erupt. Before a volcano erupts smoke and ash come out of the volcano. So by that happening we know that lava is coming next. Scientists are beginning to use tools that can record these warnings. The problem is though that it is very hard to know exactly when the volcano is going to erupt.
- Preparedness for the future
Before we build structures we should think, is there a volcano nearby? Also people who live near a volcano should be educated about what a volcano hazards. There should be communication between scientist and the officials. Emergency plans should be thought out and agreed to.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Michael H.


1b. Differences between plant and animal cells:
plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplast THE CELL WALL PRETECTS THE cell and the cloroplast makes food out of sun light

1c. the nucleus is the place were dna is stored

1d.mitochondria gives the engery to the cell to move and there the same size as bacteria


Tuesday, January 19, 2010



volcano powerpoint


volcano report



The h1n1 virus is a virus that involves pigs. it started when humans came in contact with infected piggy's.the people then passed it on to other people. the h1n1 is very contagious and daingerous.the people who have it cant go to public places or they will spred it and the other people will get it. Another things is if u have it u cant go to work especully if you work at a restraunt or as a cook or you will put it in there food and they will get it.You can die from the H1N1 virus because if youre alergic to the the medication and you take it you will get swollen and youre trought will get swollen and wont be able to breath.The H1N1 virus is like the pleuge because it spred all over the united states and other places and affected peoples lives and killed alot of people in less than a year.


The h1n1 virus is like the flue but worse this virus can spread through the air and it has killed many people. You can die cause sometimes your immune system can give up and go by all your oragans failing. if you are to survive you should be more cautious about yourself and STAY AWAY FROM -PIGS.

More links....




victoria's h1n1

1.H1n1 is a disses that people get.
2.How they get it is by gurms,they have gurms on there hands
3.What happens is you get sick and it gets worse by not talking care of your self.
4.I think u can die if dont do somthing , it would a disater if u died by this disses.
5.What it really is a vires.

Rodrigo H1N1

H1N1 is a new influenza virus causing illness in people.
The virus was first detected in people in the U.S. in April, 2009. The virus spreads from person to person in much the same way as seasonal influenza viruses.
H1N1, sometimes called "swine flu," is a new strain of influenza virus that is causing illness in people.You can protect your self by washing your hands,cover your coughs and sneezes,stay home if you are feeling ill,do not share towels, glasses, food or toothbrushes,get vaccinated for H1N1 flu.
signs and symptoms of the H1N1 flu:
High fiver
Sore throat
Muscle aches


  1. It Is A Flu Virus Also Called Influenza/Swine Flu
  2. Lack Of Washing Your Hands Not Using Soap
  3. You Touch Something with you filthy hands then some body else touches it, Or your hands Have germs And Have The Flu Then They Have Touched Somebody Else And That gives Somebody The Virus
  4. All The Symptoms Of A Fever Or Flu: Heat ,Nausea, Sweating, Throwing Up, First comes an Pain: In your neck, legs, arms, shoulders,Then you get a sore throat.

  5. It destroys your immunity, For some people i Will get deep,Deep into you lungs causing the pneumonia or even DEATH!!!

  6. People are getting shots and the sniffle thingadings, People are washing hands too.

  7. Over 2800 have died globally from this retched horrible life changing disease

  8. You End Up dieing or you get harshly PARALYZED

H1N1 (swine flu) - Julia Tavares

H1N1 (swine flu) is a strain of the flu that many people think comes from pigs. What usually happenes when you have the Swine Flu is that they get really sick and there is a posibility that if you have it you could die. You could die because you cant breathe because you are constantly coughing or throwing up. Some people say that the swine flu breakout in 2009 was similar to the Black Death. It was like the Black Death because it affected millions of people.


1. H1n1
2. A virus
3. Pigs
4. It makes people very sick.
5. You can die from it if
you are not sanitary.
6. It spreads as a disease
and kills many people.

H1N1 is a virus that spreads and kills many people. It helps alot if you are sanitary because the virus spreads by pigs and if you are not clean the virus may get to you. H1N1 makes people very sick and some die.

mariah h1n1 paragraph

H1N1 is a virus that spread from animals to human to more humans. It makes people sick,it can kill you , and makes you cautious to try andf stay healthy. Its mortality level is low because not many people hsv e died from it. It is similar to the bubonic plague because it makes people sick and it spread from creatures to human.


the h1n1 virus is a dealdey virus.You cant get by not washing your hands.you would feel bad and get a fever.the moraltily is over 200,000 people.the flu is contagious and dealdy.
  1. H1N1 flew
  2. different is that when you have the swine flew.
  3. what i think causes swine flew is pigs that they have
  4. how it affects people that when people are around people and or pigs and you can die.
  5. i think you can die from the swine flew.
  6. the swine flew is like the black plague because its a huge virus and its contagus

The h1n1 virus brittany

The h1n1 virus is a flu that can kill you and is very hard to treat and people don't now where it comes from.One way to prevent the flu is to wash your hands a lot and get the vaccine to the flu.People may think that the flu comes from pigs because it is also called the swine flu which is another name for pigs.People can get fevers,other flu symptoms, or they could die.It would be horrible to die from the flu because there is so much that i didn't get to do and i would miss all my friends and family.The h1n1 virus is like the black plague in a way because it can and might kill you and you can have really bad symptoms to both.


The h1n1 is a dangerous virus. it stated as a disease that infected pigs. When people came in contact with the infected pigs they got the virus.The infected people then passed it on to other people. the virus is very contagious so it passes to other people easily. The swine flu is like the black plague because people weren't prepared. Other similarities are it spread fast and killed many people.

Mr. Rachlin's Homework

Mr. Rachlin's homework...
6th grade: Continue project. Post what you have done today.
8th grade: Volcano report. Finish notes and make areport that includes graphics. Need to finish today and submit
7th grade: Research H1N1. Take notes on the following:
1. What it is
2. What causes it
3. How it is transmitted from one person to another
4. Effects
5. How dangerous it is
6. What has been done to prevent it from spreading
7. Mortality
8. How it changed or didn't change the way people lived
Then compare to the Black Plague using Y notes
Notes and Y notes are due by tomorrow

H1N1 flu dejaih

the H1N1 flu is a flu virus that causes alot of people to get sick and some people die from the virus. The H1N1 flu other wise known as the swine flu comes from pigs, swine means pig. when u eat food made from pig, the pig could have had germes that cause th eflu, so when you eat thigs from pig that are sick you canget sick too meaning you can get the h1N1 flu. To prevent the flu you can get your shots and wash your hands. This flu causes people to die and you can barly do anything because the germes are eating you up inside.

Helen \ H1N1

H1N1 is a very terrible disease that is believed to come from pigs. that's why they call it the swine flu. it has all the symptoms of the flu only the swine flu is much harder to get rid of and is deadly. its already killed about 30,000 to 90,000 people in the USA. when it comes to how bad it is i would compare it to the black plague back in the 1300s. because the symptoms are so similar to the regular flu it was difficult to tell the difference between them. that's 1 of the reasons so many people died from this disease. currently there has been1 less reported cases of the swine flu but still there people that have it unfortunately


2.I think that H1N1 is a virus.
3.I think that you can get it from not washing your hands and going next to sick people.
4.I know that people have died from it.
5.Yes, you would have a bad time before you die.
6. I know that it sperds fast.


I was looking at octupus on youtube when i should of been working

Illianna Notes on H1N1 and Venn diagram

1. What is Swine Flu?
A human disease
The disease came to humans from pigs
Consists of genes from birds, swine and humans
2. Symptoms
cough/sore throat
runny nose/ body aches
3. Who is at a higher risk of getting the flu?
Children and young adults
4. How does it spread? Is it airborne?
Spreads like a regular flu. can get it from a cough or sneeze
5. How dangerous is it?
Severity varies on different people.
6. How is it prevented?
wash your hands frequently
cover a cough or sneeze

Venn diagram

Bubonic Plague:
1. Back then they didn't have planes. If it were to travel far it would have to have been done by ship.
2. Wasn't enough info to prevent the plague
3. Everything you touched was contagious

Swine Flu:
1. This disease is spreadable by plane and ships. But most people use planes today
2.Not a lot of people have died compared to the Swine Flu
3. More people wash their hands . Not everything you touch is severely contagious

1. Both are spreadable
2. Both are caused by animals
3. Both have same symptoms

Paragraph that Mr. Smith made me do for no apparent reason::

The Swine flu and the Bubonic Plague are both alike and different. These are probably the two most epidemic diseases ever to spread. The Swine Flu is not as big as the Bubonic Plague but it probably would've been if people didn't know how to treat or prevent the flu. Both the diseases originated from animals.

selene and nazaria

The First Emperor of China

The emperor was a selfish, cruel, ruler. He had an obsession with death. The emperor started to build his tomb in witch he would spent
while past away. He forced people to build it. His entire obsession was paid off; he died even before the tomb was finished. The emperor was buried with beautiful jewelry. He also was buried with 6,000 Terra-Cotta soldiers. The soldiers were there to protect him in his after life. The jewels were there so that he would have money and to have riches as an emperor would.

Notes on H1N1

1. What it is
2. What causes it
3. How it is transmitted from one person to another
4. Effects
5. How dangerous it is
6. What has been done to prevent it from spreading
7. Mortality
8. How it changed or didn't change the way people lived

Then compare to the Black Plague using Y notes or a Venn diagram.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


the first emperor of china made a great wall of china .for barbarians that was the bad people that wanted to harm. the great wall stretched to 15100 feet it took 30 years to build the wall.ch sung was obsessd with its death.he searched for immorality he got obsessed with magic for immortality.

he heard ther wher inmortals in the land so he was trying to find one.so he started to build a tomb with a black horse it took thirty years to construct it..the emperor dided when he was visiting provines.over centurys they put him in his tomb in dirt to a hill.in 1994 a peasant found a clay warrior beried.

the clay warriros wher berid and theres a lot more to find.most of the stauts wher broken to pices.pepole have digd up a lot of warriors but not evrybody has bien able they have to be traiend to knot break eny staute.


The first Emperor of china's name is Shih Huang Ti's. When he was 13 he became Emperor. He died when he was 46.He built his tomb for 30 years.

He had terra cotta clay soldiers. He hadd 4 pits. They all had chariots and horses. Grave robers stayed at his tomb for 30 years.

They buried him with jewels and riches. They put the terra cotta soldiers in the 4 pits. Had great wall of china built to keep out barbarians.


In the two stories The First Emperor by Daniel Cohen and Digging Up the past by Helen Wieman Bledsoe share the same topic and that topic is about the Emperor's tomb.The main idea in the first selection is about the First Emperor and how he wanted power after he was dead. So thirty years before he died the made his tomb it was meant to be the spirt city.

In the second story Digging Up the past the main idea is about the excavation of the tomb and how they found over more than 6,000 soldiers and horses.

They compare because the stories both talk about the Emperor's tomb and how is it was made then what they found of the tomb.In the first story it is how the Emperor created his tomb.
In the second story it is about the excavation of the tomb and it was about his soldiers that were found.


The first emperor was a very powerful man who was
the founder of China. He was so powerful he order 700,000
people to build his tomb. This is the story of the first emperor
of China.

Ch'in Shih Huang Ti became emperor of China at the age of 13!
He started as a emperor of Ch"in. China was made out of states
at that time so the emperor declared himself as the emperor of China!
The name China even comes from the his name Ch'in!

The emperor became to get obsessed with his death. People have tried to kill him but they have all failed. If he died his family would have to be put to death too! So near the mountain of Li he started ordering 700,000 people to built his tomb! His tomb had 6,000 terra-coota soldiers and had traps so no one could touch his tomb

In March 1974 people dug up his tomb and found 4 pits of soldiers/vehicles! The forth pit was empty. The people tryed to put some terra-cotta soldiers back into pieces. Today people can walk on the tomb and watch all of the terra-cotta soldiers!


The first Emperor
They called him Ch'inShih huang they called him that beause it'suppous to mean the first emperor.when he first turned 13 he ruled his land.In 221b.c he proclaimed him the king of land is now called china. He traveled constanly so no one would know where he would be. he was always thinking about his death he herd about a rumor about being immortals.

He sent a fleet to seek out the island but the fleet did'nt find it but he knew if he went back to the emperor he would kill him so he never came back some rumors that the fleet stayed to be a ancestors but no one knew for shure.

He builed a tomb threre was a 6,0000 coota soliders he called it the spirt army it suppous to proctect him the tomb was thre for 30 years thats how much time it took to do the army and bulid the tomb. he diid'nt wanted to die to live for ever.

He travel alots of times beause no one would know where he would be so no one would try to kill he beause other villages would kill he for ruleing the other land that the first emperor.The tomb was under a fermers place in the future.


The two stories , "Diging up the past " by Helen W. Bledsoe and "The First Emperor" by Daniel Cohen . The both stories share the same information: the emperor and his tomb.
In the first selection they talk about Ch'in Shih Huang Ti the first emperor of China. He was very carfull in his moves the way he wouldn't alow anybody to know were he went or what palace
he was staying at. At a period of time and age the emperor disided to start building his tomb.

In the second selection "Diging up the past" the main idea is the tomb of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti . The tomb was originally founded by farmers. An excavation imediatlly started . They found an army of Terra Cotta soldiers (statues) .

Both sellections are compared with : the emperor, his tomb, and both of their cruelness toward the people of China.The emperor is the same in both selections, the tomb is were they buried him (the tomb was not finished by the time he died) and his cruelness. He was very cruel towards the people of China. He would kill anybody who revilled his were abouts.


The first emperor he has a tomb and wanted to dig the soldiers in the tomb.The emperors name was Ch,shih Huang ti.He was important to china, and the founder of china.He was emperor at 13 years old.He started in a small state.

He builted the Great Gall to keep out the northern barbarian.The name china is from the emperors name Ch,in.He was obsess with his death.who ever relieved the emperors whereabouts was put to death.He sent people on a mission ,and if they failed they will be put in death.

in 1974 a peasant was plowing and found a clay soldier.Most of the clay worriers were broken.The men arranged in military fashion.The chines archaeologists are so hopful that hen the tomb itself is excavated.they had unlimited to do the job, to find the soldiers


I read two stories about the first emperor of China. Their titles are: "The First Emperor" by Daniel Cohen and "Digging up the Past" by Helen W. Bledsoe. The main idea of "The First Emperor" is the emperor was protective of himself. He had the Great Wall of China built to protect himself from the people in the north. He also didn't stay in one spot for very long so he could live longer.

The main idea of "Digging up the Past" is the emperor had an elaborate tomb. The emperor had a lot of people dig four pits and put terra-cotta soldiers and horses in three of them. They also buried him with jade and pearls.

Both stories are about the emperor. They both talk about the emperor and the tomb, but "The First Emperor" talks about the emperor more, and "Digging up the Past" talks about the tomb more.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Writing Assessment

Open book, Open notes

In three paragraphs compare, "The First Emperor" and "Digging up the Past." Each piece has the same topic, but different information. Support your comparison with details from each reading. Post your essay with your name.