Summary 1 Fiction and Summary 2 Non-Fiction
''Thank You; Ma'm''
Mrs. Luella Jones was an ordinary lady walking in the street. What she was about to do; was going to change a life. A boy named; ''Roger'' tried to quickly snatch her purse from her. She grabbed him and dragged him to her house. While they were there she left him alone where she left her purse. She was in her kicthen cooking something and the boy did not steal her purse. Neither did he run out the door that was open from her house.
It seemed as if the boy would not steal again. While they were eating he got to know things about her. He told her that the only reason he wanted to steal her purse was to get money so that he can buy some shoes for himself. She gave the boy some money so that he can buy some shoes. She told him not to be stealing things. The last thing Roger said to Mrs. Jones was; ''Thank You; Ma'm;'' Mrs. Jones had changed him into a better person.
''Lighting Goes Digital''
Scientists have created a sort of new light bulb. These light bulbs now have a computer chip in them that are called;''LEDs''. LEDs are very thin layered computer chips that can make light brighter; without wasting alot of energy. They can make our lives better by having street lights shine brighter. OLEDs and LEDs are computer chip parts that give off light. One unique thing they can do; is change color. Although the money problem is blocking scientists way; to be selling these LEDs. Another thing is to make a way so that they can endure more than the modern lightbulb.
1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete
Persuasive Essay:
Imagine what we’d do without education. Physical education is part of our curriculum. We; students; want more P.E. time so we can interact more with each other. School is a valuable important time but we should spend some more of that time in P.E. too. More money on the Physical Education equipment should be added.
First; Student want more time with each other. That’s when team sports come in. They would be forced to work with each other and cooperate. Also interaction would be another thing that students would have to do. It is how some kids learn; to be moving around and this is called being a physical/spatial learner.
Second; of all is that this would help us in the future of our lives. This would prepare us for college when we work with other people and when we play sports. Sports are important to some student’s life. Also academics are important too but P.E. would be to make physical/spatial learners learn.
Third; of all physical activity in school helps staying healthy and having sportsmanship. This would require sport equipment and sport teams. You might say we could just join sport teams but it would be a good idea to have it in schools. We could spend some of the school’s money on sport equipment or have people donate sport equipment. People w

: 2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete
3. Response to Literature
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete :
“To Kill A Mockingbird” By:
Harber Lee
By Julio Munoz:
To kill a Mockingbird is about learning what’s right and what’s wrong. That people should be treated equally and not different. Scout is a young girl learning what is right and wrong. Jem is also learning what to do and what not to do. Atticus is giving them advice and guiding them through their problems.
They face many problems through the book and they always learn something. People criticize Atticus and Scout because Atticus helps an African American and that comes back to Scout. People say things about them but they don’t care. In school; Scout gets into many fights. Her father tells her not to fight and just walk away.
Jem and Dill get into trouble many times and then Scout joins them. They go and cause damage in their neighborhood. Atticus catches them most of the time and tells them not to be doing; what their doing. Atticus gives some advice to Scout and she drifts apart from Jem and Dill.
Scout learns that not everyone is fortunate than her. She sees Walter from a very poor family; not having a lunch and she invites him for dinner. Atticus explains to her that Walter’s family is not like their family. The whole town minds their own business but the kids don’t.
The kids are concerned about a man named Boo Radley. He just stays inside his house and they want to know what he does in there. Boo Radley turns out to be a nice guy knowing Atticus and Jem. Even though people saw him as an evil guy.
4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete
Julio Munoz:
A summer in July would change my life forever. My two cousins and I played a game that they created. The next thing I know is when I turn around really fast; suddenly I hear a pop. The next thing I see is the sky; I had fallen on the ground and I couldn’t get up.
The first notion that came to my mind was that I couldn’t play soccer. Everybody’s focus was on my knee more than having to play soccer. I realized I caused my cousin’s fear. I listed to the sound of an ambulance in the corner of the street.
I felt so much pain in my knee and leg. I had thought I broken my leg. Surprisingly; I wasn’t that scared when it had happen. The fact that I frightened my cousins made me feel like a bad person.
I was brought to the hospital and they had told me I popped my knee out. My leg was then put in a solid hard rock cast and had to remain in that cast for a few months. After a few months I started to play soccer again. My knee got better and my cousin’s guilt faded away. I always am careful when playing and that experience will always be in my mind.
5. History: 8th Grade: Declaration of Independence Project, American Revolution Project (word & excel parts), Constitution
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete
Decalration of Independence:
Declaration Of The Independence:
‘‘When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.’’
In my own words:
In the history of the United States People
have been separated in wars and they get
separated for no reason; just nature’s way;
That is wrong and people should be equal.
Declaration of Independence:
‘‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.’’
In my own words:
People are equal but they act a certain way that makes them different just by their nature. The government has a lot of power and if they abuse it; the people have a right to do something about it and to make a new government.
American Revolution Project:
1763 Proclamation Act: rate: 2: Colonists couldn’t buy or sell things from the Alps.
1765 The Stamp Act: rate: 3: It put a tax on every paper used by the British Government.
1767 Town shed Act: rate: 3: They raised the taxes on glass; lead; paint; and also paper.
1770 The Boston Massacre: rate: 5: A group of rioters got too close to the British Leader so they called for extra protection. When the extra protection group heard a shot; thinking it was the rioters; they fired.
1773 Boston Tea Party: rate: 3: The american colonists were angry at Boston for raising the taxes on tea. That made businesses close down and made the americans drop the tea in the Boston Harbor.
1774 The intolerable Acts: rate: 3: It forbids town meetings and British troops moved to america.
1774 The Sugar Tax: rate: 3: It required people to pay extra for imported items.
1775 First Continental Congress: rate: 2: It forbids the 12 colonies not to send their leaders.
1775 Second Continental Congress: rate: 1: raised items and weapons
1776 Declaration of Independence: rate: 5: US declared free from the British
The choices of the people are respected but the laws of the country must be enforced. Judges will be present during a court case. Every person will be given a fair trial in court. Every person will and can afford a lawyer. A lawyer will be present in court. A group of people will be decided to run the country and be elected by the ‘‘People’’. They will be prevented from abusing their power and they will be allowed to create laws. A different group will be the ones to decide the final laws of the country to pass on to the president for Him\Her to decide. A president will be prevented from abusing His\Her power of the country and will be the final; final; Final person to decide the future laws of the country. The president will be elected by the ‘‘People’’. The president will not have the FULL control of the country. There will be a group in charge of creating the laws and hearing out the opinions of the laws from the ‘‘People’’. The laws will be chosen from the people and then passed on to the other group in charge of making sure the laws are fair. Then passing the laws to the President in order to have the final decision in passing and\or destroying the law\laws. There will be an equal balance between law and punishment by having a group of people during a court case. The group of people will be called a JURY; they will be in charge of deciding if the person in court is either Guilty or Innocent.


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