Tuesday, November 4, 2008

#30 jasmine

8th Grade Posting requirements
1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)

Check with Mr. R.

2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)
Check with Mr. R.

3. Response to Literature
Check with Mr. R.

Jasmine A. Cruz
To Kill A Mocking Bird

I think the book ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ means to not judge people by there race, or what they look like. You shouldn’t judge a person until you get to know them. If you judge someone without knowing them, that could lead to big problem. The thing you should be worried about is if you get them mad or hurt and they turn on you. You could get in big trouble. If you’re being races, that can put you in jail.

Think that the whole book means not to judge anyone before you get to know them. If you don’t know about your friend and judge those by what they look like, that could lead to rumors and it can hurt that person and get you in big trouble.

There is something good about this and there is something bad about this. The good thing is that at the end, everyone gets to know about Boo Radley and saves Scout.

The bad thing is that everyone is judged by their race. I don’t believe that it’s right to judge people before you get to know them.

In this book, there are consequences. For example, if an African/American man was to even look at an American girl, he was destined to get hung. No body wanted to have a mix, because it was just not natural. Everyone wanted to be the same which I don’t think is right because if you’re the same as everyone else, it would be taking the uniqueness out of children and adults.

I think it would be better to be different instead of the same because if you’re the same, there’s really nothing exciting about that. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a little difference. Some people get tired of having donuts and they want cake. That was just an example. Thank you for listening.

sugar act 1764 date 1 2
stamp act 1765 date 2 2
townsend act 1767 date 3 1
boston massacre 1770 date 4 5
boston tea party 1773 date 5 5
intolerable act 1774 date 6 2
1st contention 1775 date 7 2
2nd contention 1775 date 8 4
the battle of bunker hill 1775 date 9 3
declaration of indipendence 1776 date 10 4

Kirstine Addie Donegan, Jasmine Aileen Cruz

I gave Sugar Act of 1764 I gave a 2 because it made them mad, but not mad enough to do something.

I gave the Stamp Act of 1765 a 2 because it made them mad but not too mad.

I gave the Townsend Act of 1767 a 1 because they didn’t do much of nothing.

I gave the Boston Massacre of 1770 a 5 because that was terrible.

I gave the Boston Tea Party of 1773 a 5, because they were angry and that’s why they threw tea in the water.

I gave the Intolerable Act of 1774 a 2, because at that time it had made them mad, but not mad enough to do something, at that time, they could live with it.

I gave the First Continental Congress a 2, because I really don’t think they were super bothered.

I gave the Second continental Congress a 2, because they because it was not as bad as some of the other things that had happened.

I gave the Battle of Bunker Hill a 3, because they were very angry but I still think that the Boston Massacre was worse.

I gave the Declaration of Independence a 4, because that made them angry enough to do something very strong and smart.

Which Graph is better?

I think the bar graph is better, because it’s easier to understand, and read!

4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Jasmine Aileen Cruz
September 25, 2008

My mom and I were walking in the parking lot of Wal-Mart one late night. My brother and daddy were putting the cart away. There was a man following me. My mom got in the car while I was trying to get the door open. A man came up and grabbed my arm! He was dragging me to a car.
I screamed my lungs out of my throat! My dad came running over. The man must have gotten scared because he released me and ran away. After that, my mom and dad checked me to make sure I was okay. They kept me in the house for a week.
There was no sign of the man since. I will never forget the time when I was six, my heart pounding hard against my chest, and my dad saving my life. Three years later, about ten at night, I was watching the news. In the T.V, I saw my kidnapper’s face, staring at me. I had heard that 6 year old Katelyn Haber had been stabbed to death by this man who’s name was David something or another. I started to cry as I was walking to my room. Me, finely, a 9 year old girl, thinking about that one tragic after noon. What could have happened to me if my father wasn’t there?
Suddenly, my eyes started stinging with all kinds of tears. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I remember having a dream of a little girl screaming out, “Save me save me!” No one would turn to look at her. She began to scream louder and louder. Then, a man finely turned around. He looked like my father but with a long white beard. I thought it was her father. The man said, “Good bye Rachel.”
Rachel? Rachel was my friend! Maybe that’s where I got it from. When I woke up, it was 3:00. Pitch black. I fell asleep again and had no dream. It was almost like I was dead. From then on, until I turned 10, I had dreams exactly like that one, exactly like that one but with different people. That’s a most important part in my life.

5. History: 8th Grade: Declaration of Independence Project, American Revolution Project (word & excel parts), Constitution
The Constitution:

By Thomas Hunter and Jasmeena La Cheena

We, the people need 2% of your taxes goes to

the Governor, if you don’t pay your taxes, you

and your family will loose everything you have

and you have to be forced to the streets.

Someone other than a person that can’t talk in

English has to run. They have to have a good

education and a good diploma. You need to be

in school at the age of 8. If you are not, it will

take a while to get a job.

Law activations:

The laws must be active for 10 years and

they must be reasonable. If not they will not

be enforced. Also, gas must stay at or below

$2.50. We must keep the United States fair.

We also have the right to take a leader out

of their place if they are abusing their power.


If you steal something, we steal something

from you such as a huge amount of money

or your safety. We will make sure to have a

safe environment for us all to live in.

Everyone, including children, have the right to

vote. We will try to give you two choices

and two choices only just to keep it simple

and easy. We will try to make them non


No racism:

You do not have the right to be races and

going against the people that lead you. If you

are being races to anyone, you will be

neglected from the Country for three weeks

strait. If we find you to guilt, your punishment

will be in a cube for three months with two

meals only.

No death on the president:

Anyone one who tries to kill the President

will be sentenced to death. If there is no

more space in the jail, build another or kill

the people that are in there for 90 years or

more. If a crime cannot be proven, the person

is not announced guilty.

No illegal pregnancies:

It is against the Law to get pregnant at the

age of 15 or below. If so, the child will be

born and that mother will go to jail after 5


Obeying the Laws:

If a Law is not being obeyed, a person is

going to be charged a ticket, which will go

on their permanent record, be forced to jail,

or be sentenced to death. These Laws are

enforced by the President of the United


When you have a soda, do you think of how it gets recycled? Scientest actualy found a way of plastic bottles that could be biodegraded. The ones that we;re using aren't being recycled right. They dump it into a place where it takes lots of years for it to degrade.

The story thank you ma'm is about being grateful for what you have. Don't be greety and ask instead of stel. Help out people that you see need help. It's the right thing to do. Eample: You see someone on the streets, go help them out. The lady, Mrs. Joans helped the boy in the story.l She fed him dinner and gave him money for the blue swayed shoes he wanted. She let him use her bathroom to wash his face. We should do the same.

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