Thursday, November 20, 2008

21 Frances Alagal Blooms

This is about how Humpback whales are dieing from Red Algae.OK 14 Humpback whales died already by eating the Red Algae in the Red Tides.Red Algae has poison in it it floats or swims in the ocean and how the whales died by is they eat it and they store it in their fat so when they let out all their fat they die the fish and other animals that eat Red Algae have it in their like skin & the whales it which make them die.So back to Algal Blooms are like a group more like a population because they grow faster and faster like a population.Scientists are using technology so they can or trying to predict when a Red Tide comes so just in case someone goes fishing so they wont have to go to the hospital or end up dying becasue the fsih eat the Red Algae so when the people dont know they go to the hospital or die.

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