Monday, November 3, 2008

13Julie My Essay

To Whom It May Concern:
Here is the United States, children are lucky enough to have to have school as part of their regular routine.
Most of the children do not look forward to school. That’s because today’s schools suck.
Huh? They all have the “National Requirements”. Teachers, lunchladys, lunches, principals, nurses, preschools and playgrounds (if there elementary), books, secretary ect…It gets boring.
Sure, some kids learn that way, but the majority of kids in school don’t. They need schools like Eagles Peak, which are small, close-knit, and are active in the arts.
Most of the time, kids learn better with something challenging and fun.
Something needs to be saved. It’s in great danger. You didn’t want to have do it.
But if you don’t it will die.
So look in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s not Superman! Or Supergirl! Not Batman or Spiderman!
It’s a group of kids, lead by their fearless teacher, heading out on a fieldtrip to the world one school at a time!
Okay, that would be pretty darn cool, but we don’t live in a comic book. There aren’t any super heroes to save the world and stop global warming right?
Wrong! There is someone. Lots of someone’s.
No, it’s not a comic book superhero come to life. You’re one. I’m one.
What are they? The reason we are in this whole mess in the first place.
Humans. Humans have endangered the whole planet. They caused global warming.
Along the way, we’ve put millions of lives in danger. Animals we love. Tigers. Pandas. Seals.
We cut down whole rain forests, just to make some old guy with no heart or concise can be rich enough to cut more trees down.
So we should to teach kids how to make small changes for the world. Teach them how even the smallest choice you make will effect everyone and everything around them.
Schools should also be greener. Take small steps, like recycling, or use Florissant lights bulbs, will make a great difference.
Make the right choice.


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