1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)
School Improvements
What do I think we should improve in our school? Well there is a lot of things.
First I think it would be the health of the kids in school. I think we should have more time for P.E. Obesity is a big problem in America. With all the kids healthy and eating right kids will have more energy. That way kids can learn more things.
Next I think we should also improve in Electives. For me an elective is a way of teaching. I think the kids in our school like to have fun. Electives are a lot of fun
We can learn like Arts, Music, and Instruments. All of these things can help us in future life.
Another thing that I now will make the school better is Field trips.
Field trips can be costly but they are worth it. I think we should have a fund raiser.
We can raise money by the arts that the kids in our school do. Like origami sell popsicles and donations. Kids like field trips some times we just want to have fun with our friends.
These are the things I think we should improve in our school. All of this things can help the future of the kids and also the school.
By Issai Rodriguez
2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)
The Circuit
The circuit is a story about a kid name Ito. Ito and his family works in a farm.
But the strawberry season is over so they don’t have a job any more. Ito is very sad because they are going to move. So they pack all there stuff and put it in there old car called the Carcanchita.
Later they find job in another farm of vines. Ito works for some time. But then it is time for him to go to school. So he gets on the school bus and he is nervous of his first day of school. So he goes and signed up and goes to his first class. The teacher asks him to read but he d

He goes to school and the teacher takes him to the music class. And tells him that if he wants to learn how to play a instrument. And he says yes and he is so happy. And he can’t wait to tell his parents. But when he gets there they were packing everything. And his little brother tells him they are going to move again.
3. Response to Literature
Lord of the Flies
Response to Literature
This is a novel written by William Golding in 1954. In my opinion I think the book is about how people change into savages. It is how people change when there are no rules.
Ralph is voted chief by the kids. The kids do what Ralph says. They hunt for meat and collect fruits. They build shelters for safety but the kids don’t help anymore. Ralph and jack start to argue.
Sam-n-Eric saw the “beastie”. In my opinion it means evil. Jack and the hunters go looking for the “beastie” but they don’t find it. They treat Robert like if it was his pray, Robert was really scared. All the little kids and big ones are dreaming about the “beastie”.
Jack doesn’t like Ralph as chief anymore and quits Ralph’s tribe and makes a new one. Simon saw the lord of the flies and faints but wakes up and goes to jacks party. Jack does a dance and kills Simon. Jack needed fire so he steals piggy’s glasses and Piggy goes to get his glasses back. But jack drops a boulder on Piggy’s head and kills him. Then jack wants to kill Ralph but Ralph finds an officer so they were rescued.
At the last scene of the novel the hunters are crying. I think they were crying because they finally realized that they became savages. What I think this book is about is human nature and how people change.
4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Check with Mr. R.
1. American Revolution Project (word & excel parts),
Proclamation, 1763: Colonist was forbidden to cross the Appalachian mountain. The proclamation made imaginary line colonists couldn’t pass the line to the west. All settlers already west of the line had “to be removed themselves “.
The sugar act 1764: In 1764 in Grenville asked the parliament to approve the sugar act. Nobody paid the taxes and the sugar act was to reinforce the people to pay the taxes. No body paid the taxes because it was too high.
The stamp act was in 1765: Grenville also persuaded Parliament to pass the stamp act of 1765.You had to put a stamp on all items named in the law. The stamp showed that the tax was already paid.
The Townshend act in 1767 : Grenville now part of the parliament clashed with Charles Townshend. Townshend there to tax America. Because of that taxes were to be paid in glass, paint, lead, and tea.
Boston tea party 1773: Disguised as Indians 50 or 60 Bostonians attacked British ships. British officials called the Boston tea party ‘’the most wanton and unprovoked insult power that is recorded in history’.
The firs continental congress 1774: The first continental congress was a group of representatives chosen by the legislature of the twelve original colonies. It met for a short time before it set up the second continental congress, which organized the Americans who went into the American revolutionary war.
Intolerable acts 1774: Colonist the four laws they passed the intolerable acts because they were so harsh. #1 no ship could leave or enter the port of Boston. It would remain closed until the colonists paid for the tea. #2 The parliament forbade Massachusetts colonists To have town meetings.
Battle of Lexington and concord 1775: The battle of Lexington and concord was the first battle of the revolution. The first shot in this battle was known as the ‘shot heard around the world’’.
The second continental congress 1775 : These men were chosen by the legislature of the thirteen original colonies. This group of men met every day from May 10, 1775 until March 1, 1781.
The battle of bunker hill 1775: This was important because colonist would want to join the stronger side (loyalist or patriots).Even though the Americans lost the British lost heavy loses.

2. Constitution
We as a country shall keep these United States safe, fair, and Running well. Our government will be decided upon by the people.There will be NO president. Instead we will have three groups of government.These groups will each be in charge of a specific part of the government. They will all work together to balance the government and make sure that no one gets All the power. In emergency situations the leader of SHIELD (whom is mentioned later on)will make the last decision. Elections will be held to choose the people that are in these Branches of government. The people will have the right to take a leader out of Office if they are abusing their power. Everything that the branches do must Have a reason that helps to protect the governed. States will have the right to Have small leaders for their states. These leaders will help to make regulations that abide by the countries laws and the rights of the people. These state leaders will Also be voted upon by the people. All regulations that the state leaders come up With must be passed through the federal government. To enforce the laws police will patrol streets. Police officers have the right to arrest or give a ticket to any individual that is not obeying the law . Policemen/women must respect the individual rights even while arresting them. Physical force must only be used when abusive force is given by the suspect. After being arrested people have a right to a fair un-biased trial among a jury and judge. The judge must go over all the evidence and both sides of the story. Then the judge has to determine a fair punishment if the suspect is guilty. Punishments may not consist of torture acts. There are laws that will always be like you can’t kill another individual if you do you will receive the death penalty. You cannot steal another persons property if you do you will be arrested. The amount of time you are arrested depends on the amount of money that what you stole cost. Selling you and having sex with people for money is illegal. Taxes will have to be distributed to the people. People in poverty will only have a 1% tax people in middle class will have a 5% tax and upper class people will have a 10% tax. Taxes will be given on everything besides food. We will have an association called the SHIELD who will protect our country. They will be of service when the army is not enough. They will be ordered by direct authority of the government to handle extremely dangerous jobs. We will also have an association named Planet Earth. This is association will be in charge of protecting the countries people, animals, and plants. This association will keep track of everything that goes on that has to do with animals and land. They will make sure that we are being conservative and fair towards the earth and its inhabitants. Everyone in the country must be a vegetarian they must never eat meat! If people eat meat or kill animals they shall be arrested for life. No racism against religion, gender, color, or place of origin. Everyone has the right to an education. Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco are ILLEGAL. They will not be made or sold in the United States. Anyone found under the influence of these substances will be arrested. Schools must have elective programs. Every single school must have music programs. Deaf and Blind schools are the exceptions to those rules. Handy-cap people must have programs that help them to live functionally. This will include community centers and hospitals. Also Hospitals must treat all people whether they have health insurance or not. If they do not have health insurance they must be asked to make reasonable payments each month to pay off there bill. The reasonability of the price will be determined by the government and people and but be passed through the federal government. The minimum wage on jobs is $18.00 this price can be changed due to the economic place the government is in. When a person turns 16 they are officially adults they have the right to live on there own and may get a job wherever they want. If they want to still live with there family they may. Laws will be made by the congress and will be voted upon by the congress. If the law gets a vote higher than 50% it becomes a law. Laws must stay active for at least 10 yeas.We have created this constitution to protect these United States. We will make it our job to preserve the valuable words that we have put into this constitution. Those who go against the words may not break the laws but fight to change them.
3. Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence :
In my own words
All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
People are all the same:
They have rights to be alive, free, and try to be happy.
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world:
The king has caused nothing but harm and has been a dictator to the states. Basically a meanie. The facts will be told in the declaration.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only:
He wont pass laws unless they give up one of there most cherished which makes him a dictator.
A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people:
A person who wants to be an unfair ruler is not fit to be one.
They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends:
The British have not listened to the complaints. So we will now separate from England and make our country the way we want it.
Fiction summary 1 Thank you Ma’m
This is a story about a woman who helps a boy to go in the right direction. And that there is still good people.
Once upon a time there was a large woman with a big purse. Her name was Mrs. Jones. Well Mrs. Jones was walking down a street when a boy came from behind and tried to snatch her purse. But the strap broke and the boy fell on the ground. Mrs. Jones turns and kicked him in the ground. Then she picked him up and told him to give her pocket book back. She told him aren’t you ashamed of yourself? He responded yes’s. Mrs. Jones said if you were my son I would have teach you what’s right and wrong. And she told him once I get through with you, you will remember Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.
Mrs. Jones dragged him all the way to her house. She said what your name? Roger said the boy. Mrs. Jones told him to wash his face so he did. She asked have you eaten you supper? Roger answered no, nobody is home. So she said then well eat, you must be hungry because you tried to snatch my pocket book. I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. You could have asked me said Mrs. Jones. Then Mrs. Jones made some food for both of them and ate. She told Roger about her beauty shop and all kind of people that went in there. Once they finished eating Mrs. Jones gave him 10 dlls. And told him not to be snatching people’s pocket books and hers. So Mrs. Jones led him out to the door and said ‘Good night’. Roger didn’t know what to say and said Thank you Ma’m, and she shut the door and never saw her again
Non - fiction Summary The Pullman trains
This is the story about African Americans and how they were treated.
The George Pullman train company started in 1867. George thought ex – slaves would be perfect for the job. The Pullman trains were elegant and comfortable. For ex- slaves that were African Americans it was a good job. For women being courted by a porter was lucky.
The porters were kicked and insulted by the passengers. But they couldn’t speak up for them selves. They only had 2 choices quit or work with those circumstances. Some times they gave them a good tip for being a “good sport”. In 1880 Pullman bought 36,000 acres and built a community called Pullman. Twelve thousand employees were required to live in Pullman. The African American employers were no allowed in Pullman. The rents were high and the salary was low. In May 11, 1894, 90 percent of the employers quit because of the low payment. Then the workers rebelled. But he court forced them to sign a contract that said they will never rebel again.
Now you see how much African Americans have worked for there rights. Now DONT be racist Because you can see how much they have help US history.
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