

1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)
2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)
3. Response to Literature
Check with Mr. R.
4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Check with Mr. R.
5. History: 8th Grade:
DIFFERENT LEVELS OF LAW ENFORCERS: people to enforce, make decisions on punishments and whether they deserve them and people to make laws and approve of them.How am I going to make laws how am I going to enforce taxes how am I going to protect rights? How am I going to prevent abuse of power am I going to make sure we are not to weak how are we going to make this government work.LAWS IN GENERAL:Life, liberty, happiness, human rights, equalness, fairness, and the function of government.State elections should be done to have all the states opinions.There should also be different laws and punishments for minors.There should also be equal balance between punishments and laws. Do not extend beyond torture and death.MAKING LAWS:The people should be the ones that make the decision on the different laws of course there will be mandatory laws but there should also be votes on some law s that the government is either not sure about or they believe the people should choose rather than them.TAXES. There should be a different percent on the different incomes that the people make yearly. 10 for poor and 20 for richer in the middle should be 13 people should choose what things should have taxes and event he amount that they have to play. The people should have an open ear to have to be able to go and tell there complaints and the changes that they want. And the different sections of ears should all go together to create a state ear and the states should all get together and be able to talk to there federal. And then extra and goodies should have a slightly bigger tax because they are necessities and you have to pay for comfort.LEADERS:Divided power, between leader and order to prevent abuse of power different section of leadership and ranks no on one person in complete control different braches to monitor and each other if a leader is not liked and the decision that are made are completely wrong them the people should vote in order to remove and replace leader. The people should choose the leaders. The president should be the one that does not make laws but approve of the decision he is the public face and he is the one that the people know. If something goes wrong the people will be able to blame him.WHAT WE TOOK FROM OTHERS:We should tax the luxury items the house tax should be 15 percent. The president should be of any sex or authenticity. The people the people should be able say the laws that they would like an d the federal government should be able o vote upon them to see if they would be of any use. The kids should be able to be in school by the age of 5and finish all the way to at least high school there should be at least be a school that does not need any money to go to. people should be able to get help if they need it with money school and food there should be a twopercent tax on the money that that people pay , but of course TRIALS:When a crime is a committed the offender has to go to trial before being punished. The decisions must be made by a jury or the judge. When the decision is made the jury or judge must give an explanation of why they have made their decision and must give the evidence that they used to make their decision.The jury must be made up of people that are reliable and that don’t know anything of the trial and that don’t know anything about the offender and must be 20 and older. The judge or jury can send the trial to the state court if they are not able to make a decision and the trial will be sent to the state court.PUNISHMENT:Punishments must be fair and must be able to go with what the offender has done.Anything that is between shoplifting would be a fine for whatever the offender has stolenAnd would\d be a few nights in prison.Anything that is molestation of any sort the offender must be put in prison for a couple of years. The decision of how many years is up to the jury or the judge but cannot be abusive and mist be fair.Murder will be rated between 1 and 3. Man slaughter, 2nd degree murder, 3rd degree.Man slaughter is a murder that was on accident. 2nd degree murder is if the offender plays a prank or anything of the sort and the person or persons die the offender will be trialedAnd will ne punished. 3rd degree murder is that the offender has committed the murder on purpose and will be punished.COURTS:The courts must consist of one judge a security a jury, 2 lawyers, the writer and the people. No children are allowed inside unless they are part of the trial or witnesses.DRIVING RULES:If a person is drunk driving and is caught the the police or law enforcers have the right to test the person to see if he really is drunk and if he is he will go to jail and will be fined.Before being able to drive the person must learn and pass a written and physical test to be able to drive. The person must be 18 and older.HOW WE MAKE MONEY:By taxes and by making fundraisers and fun things for the community.Making carnivals, having fairs, and many other things.TREATIES:The president and congress are able to discuss to make treaties with other countries.They may offer help and trading only if it will help both countries.EMERGENCIES: When there is an emergency the president is able to take action without discussing it with the congress. He may only take action if the emergency is about safety. If the country that has an alliance with our country needs help in any way our countries commander and chief may take action to help that country.ALLIANCES: When the congress and president meet they may also decide to make alliances with other countries which means that when our country is in war and we need help our alliance may come in and help our country and we will do the same for them. If our alliance does not want to help in any way the alliance may be broken and the same goes for our country.NATURE:We will have people that take care of our environment so that everything is clean and healthy.We will plant flowers, trees, and many other things that will make our environment better and safer. We will also leave animals that need to live in our environment alone the only animals that will be moved are the animals that are dangerous and will be taken to another environment.A WAY TO MAKE LAWS:The way laws will be made is that congress will meet and will share ideas and will discuss them. Then they will have the people vote for the laws. The congress will be able to vote on a few of the laws if they are able to and that don’t really involve the people.PRESIDENT:The president will be chosen by the people.The candidates must debate on things and must have a campaign.There will be a republican candidate and a democrat candidate everything that they promise the people that they are going to do must be able to become true they must give proof that they will be able to do what they say.We as representatives of this country here by pass this Declaration of Independence and have done this to improve the ways of our country. We have written this document toEstablish the way this country must work and will work.IVANA CASTRILLONOctober 21,2008
We live in a country where we pride ourselves on freedom and the right to be an individual and school should be where that starts. We as students believe that we should have more creative arts classes, more community field trips, and better physical education. These classes will help expand our learning past what we have been taught for many years.
One thing that we would like to improve in schools is more community field trips. By going on more community field trips we would be able to take advantage of the learning opportunities in our community. Not only will students be able to be out in the community but they will be having more hands on learning experiences that will get students more interested in learning. Being out in the community students will be able to witness our environment and ways to improve it. Going out into our neighborhood will inspire students to become responsible adults and will open our minds to the education around us.
Obesity has become the number one cause of death in the U.S. and now more than ever physical education has become just as important as mental education. In order for all students to participate in physical activities we need equipment that fits the capabilities of all students. For all this to happen we need a comfortable more capable phisility where students can feel safe. Improving our physical education programs will result in healthy ready to learn students.
A perfect example of what art and drama can make a person stand out is Leonardo Da Vinci. Bringing in more art classes help teach most students about literature, culture, and social skills. Studies show that students learn better when they get to be hands on and physical. They also absorb more knowledge working with their peers rather than just out of the book.
After reading this you may be asking yourself what can I do?
Well we’ll tell you what you can do send money to help us buy the necessary equipment that we need for physical education, so we can hire better teachers for more arts classes. By doing this, we students will be able to expand our learning in many other different ways and by doing this the future generations will have better learning experiences out in our community and inside.
The reason why I chose this story is because I believe that I understood it the best. Even though it’s just a part of the book I wanted to keep on reading it.
The author really captured my attention and my heart I hope that one day I can read the whole book.
I really liked how the author used descriptive words to capture the audience. Since we also had to do the plot diagram it was also kind of easier to understand the conflict and what the supporting details where. I had a blast reading a part of The Circuit.
decleration of independance in my own words
Declaration of Independance
In my own words
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We are all created equal.
We have rights to be happy, free, and have our own life.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Men create their own governments .and have the right to vote for who they want to be part of the government.
When the government starts taking advantage of the power that they have we the people have the right to take the person out of the government. and they may also put another person in that spot. It must make people happy and that they may feel safe.
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
The king of britian has made many people suffer. He was showing tyranny over many people.to prove that he has done this here are a few facts about what he has done to our country and states.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has forbidden laws that will help the people until he feels like saying yes to the law. He never said anything.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.
We the reprisentatives of our country say that we are declaring our country free.
We will not be under the govern of the British crown. Our country has the freedom to make decisions with the peoples and governs concent. We have the right to go to war with other countries, make peace, make alliences, and do all the things gthat free states have the right to do.
DUE 11/19/2008 SUMMERY 1 AND 2
Scientists are trying to find a way to make lighting better. They have found that LEDs and OLEDs waste less energy. They are composed of layers: one is negatively charged, and one is positively charged. LEDs are 20-50 percent more efficient, so they save a tremendous amount of energy. LEDs can cut the energy used for lighting in half. Scientists are investigating ways to make both LEDs and OLEDs still more efficient and cheaper. We don't have OLEDs yet scientits are still trying to make them better. They want to make them more long lasting like LEDs. The materials in OLEDs are fragile and don’t last as long as LEDs. Scientists are still looking for ways to make them better and sturdier. Moisture also harms OLEDs researchers are trying to figure out a way to protect the lights of the future.
Always be greatful for what you have because there are many other peole that don't have what they need. In the story " Thank you ma'm" Mrs. Jones' pocketbook almost gets stolen by a boy named Roger. She takes him to her house and he thinks that she is going to send him to jail.She feeds him and makes him wash up. Because of her kindness he feels guilty and when she goes to get the food he goes to the far coener so that she can see him so that she knows that he can be trusted. At the end of the story he wants to say more than thank you but that is all he has to say.
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