Tuesday, November 4, 2008

32 Alana

1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

2. Plot Diagram (save as a .jpeg and post as a picture)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

3. Response to Literature
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

5. History: 8th Grade: Declaration of Independence Project, American Revolution Project (word & excel parts), Constitution
Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

Alana aka Melanie♥ Constitution

The first thing I would say is that we as a country need to be fair on the laws and how you make them. You need to be prepared when you run a government. You would even have to have the brain to become part of the government.

Second No one can be treated unfairly and treated like a slave. Every one can be treated fairly. We shall run a country that every one will believe that we take care of them. Our country will be safe and have rights to follow our peoples dreams.

Third opinion that I would really focus on is what would I want to plan on being governor, and we will be every cautious of what we do about our country. When we take over we will make sure you will be safe and be cared for at all times. And if there is any thing you want to change in our country then you can give us ideas.

Fourth, I would make sure the people got to say what they wanted, their voices would be heard. And have the rights to do what ever they would like. But, I will make consequences on those who convict a murder or anything not good.

Fifth, Is that I would like people to be cared for with these laws and follow them the right way. If there is someone that doesn’t follow them the
at mean consequences.
Due 11-19 2008 summary 1 non-fiction 2 fiction
Alanas Fiction story Summary
This story im reading is called Thank You Ma'm its about a lady who
almost got her purse snatched. And then the lady said to him he needs to
wash his face. Also that he was going to live with her, and she was
going to teach him right from wrong.
Non Fiction Summary
The Algal Blooms is killing alot of fishes. Its a red tide

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