Thursday, November 6, 2008

29 ivan

1. Persuasive Essay (art in schools)Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete
school improvements

We live in a free country and we are proud to live in that country but it all starts in school. We as students belive well I believe that we should have more creative classes, and many field trips such as communitive fiels trips and educative field trips. These variaty of classes will exspand our learning creativity.

One we would like improved is the creative arts classin. Last year there was piano, choir, guitar and tap dancing classes. By having some of these classes kids would learn new things that might come in handy in the near future. There many reasons for these classes one is that tap helps kids stay and shape and not become obessed wich is the number one cause of death in america.

Speaking of obesity like I said it is the number one cause of death. Which brings me to another subject physical education otherwise nown as P.E. P.E is an important part of a kids education we learn how to work as a team and how to interact with others and one of the most important parts friends. To make all of this happen we need equipmen and other things maybe a school team would fit in perfectly.

There are many reasons on why creative learning is good for us it gives us new ideas I mean look at leonardo so creative that he comes up with his own style of writing. Bringing more creative art classes might unleash a moder issac newten or a michael angelo which is the main goel of every teacher in america bring the best out of kids. Music is a perfect example so many succesful musicions all with great talen laa thanks to a creative art class in there school about music.

We as student will do any thing to acomplish this and we have many ideas such as fundraisers, games or any other thing that saves up money. But whe cannot do everithing ourselfs we might need your help. These creative arts classes will make school better and more interesting. Through time we have learned that there are many different types of masterminds all around the world some that try to make it better and some that try the opposite. All of this is inevitable ones mind is almost set or is already set on what it wants to achieve.

2. Plot Diagram (the curcit)Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

3. Response to LiteratureCheck with Mr. R. or Incomplete
You ever wonder what would be happening on the other side of the worl right now if this country actuall worked together. This is the lesson we learn in Lord of the Flies by william golding. the story is about a group of teenege boys ho get stranded on an uknown islasnd. they where on a plane that crashed the cockpit landed on another place leaving them with no adults. So you can imagine part of the situation.

People should be united do yhings together to advance more in every aspect of the world. That is the very worst subject for a group of teenage boys. Jack; one of the main charactors ho is bossy arrogent and very very primitive. On the other hand theres Ralph and Piggy ho care about the welfare of others not just there own. Jack believes he should be leader but instead they choose Ralph. Jack then tries everithyng to get Ralph kicked out humiliated so hard that he retrieves from being leader.

Jeolusy,hate and envy are not a good combination especially in a boy whos full of all those feelings. Jack believing that he should be in control so he humiliates Ralph in front of everyone just so that he can get the boot. Soon after he tries to get Ralph voted off but he is not succesfull. With a pinch of luck the boys unite to hunt the beastie that is haunting them. But the treatie does not last long.

Being prtimitive and only thinking about yourself is not good. Jcks bad influence turns the littluns against the best person on mthe island. With Jack in mind the littluns beat Simon to death. But the spree continues Jacks impatience with piggy grows larger by the second until he can take no more and then he kills Piggy with a boulder.


4. Autobiographical Incident (problem that you confronted)Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

You’ve ever been acused of smothing and you deny deny deny but they still don’t belive you. Whell I know its happened to me. It was a Thursday afternoon I was playing ps2 or(play station 2).Then all of the sudden I here sombody sream my name.

I jump up from my cozy position and. I start putting on my shoes and then I hear it again but this time it wasn’t my grandma it was my mom. So I go evan faster “done” I run out the door and crash with my baby cousin hos playing cars. “IVAN” I leave my cousin and hurry to the back of the house where my two other cousins brandon and michael and my mom and my grandema are all standing perfectly still.

i got closer to see what had happenedthen I see the problem my grandmas garden patch is destroyed. Mom was the first to see she asked if I did it replaying the truth but she doesn’t believe me. This is because I had done it before. My grandma was calling me a liar saying that I enjoyed destroying her garden. To tell you the truth I never enjoyed it.

All of this must have been really funny because my cousins were laughing there butts off. I sterded stering at the ground when I noticed there dirty gooy feet. Noticing this I saw more odd things like the stick that had been thrown away to hide it but obviusly failing that I saw the sticky handle and tip. My grandma also notised the dirt so pointing at the stick made everything very clear.

Knowing ho had done it my grandma punished my cousins and apologiced to me. To make up for the false accusations I was taken to hometown and got to think of my cousins punishment.

5. History: 8th Grade: Declaration of Independence Project,

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

this meansthatif the people do not like theire goverment they can ghange it

it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

people should have the right to get a new and improved goverment

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

the king has done nothing but cause problems hes comitted frods to prove this the facts must be shown to the world

A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

a person ho rules as a dictator is no ruler

They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

the people have ignored the voice of others

American Revolution Project (word & excel parts),

Proclamation, 1763: Colonist was forbidden to cross the Appalachian mountain. The proclamation made imaginary line colonists couldn’t pass the line to the west. All settlers already west of the line had “to be removed themselves “.The sugar act 1764: In 1764 in Grenville asked the parliament to approve the sugar act. Nobody paid the taxes and the sugar act was to reinforce the people to pay the taxes. No body paid the taxes because it was too high.The stamp act was in 1765: Grenville also persuaded Parliament to pass the stamp act of 1765.You had to put a stamp on all items named in the law. The stamp showed that the tax was already paid.The Townshend act in 1767 : Grenville now part of the parliament clashed with Charles Townshend. Townshend there to tax America. Because of that taxes were to be paid in glass, paint, lead, and tea.Boston tea party 1773: Disguised as Indians 50 or 60 Bostonians attacked British ships. British officials called the Boston tea party ‘’the most wanton and unprovoked insult power that is recorded in history’.The firs continental congress 1774: The first continental congress was a group of representatives chosen by the legislature of the twelve original colonies. It met for a short time before it set up the second continental congress, which organized the Americans who went into the American revolutionary war.Intolerable acts 1774: Colonist the four laws they passed the intolerable acts because they were so harsh. #1 no ship could leave or enter the port of Boston. It would remain closed until the colonists paid for the tea. #2 The parliament forbade Massachusetts colonists To have town meetings.Battle of Lexington and concord 1775: The battle of Lexington and concord was the first battle of the revolution. The first shot in this battle was known as the ‘shot heard around the world’’.The second continental congress 1775 : These men were chosen by the legislature of the thirteen original colonies. This group of men met every day from May 10, 1775 until March 1, 1781.The battle of bunker hill 1775: This was important because colonist would want to join the stronger side (loyalist or patriots).Even though the Americans lost the British lost heavy loses.

Constitution Check with Mr. R. or Incomplete

due 11/19/08

fiction summaary
T hank you ma’m

One random act of kindness can change the worst of people into something good. A woman named Luella bates is confronted by a 14 year old boy named roger who tried to steel her purse. In this attempt the boy trips and is grabbed from his shirt and dragged all the way to her house .He’s let go and ordered to go wash his dirty face in the sink. He looks at the door then her and then the door again and then he goes to wash his face. Luella then feeds him supper she places her bag next to him but he does not try to steel it. When they finished eating she led him towards the doo and gave him ten dollars for a pair of shoes. He than said “thank you” to her and he never saw her again. Thank you ma’m is a story about a boy who is saved from making one of the greatest mistakes of his life.

non-fiction summary


How do 14 humpback whales die in perfectly good health? Scientist discover a toxin in there cells called Alexandrian. The whales died because of a red tide that swept trough. But there might be a solution satellite photos help scientist estimate where the red tide might hit next.

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