Monday, March 2, 2009

37 Thomas

1. Original 13 colonies- America declared independence in 1776when they wrote the Declaration of Independence.

2. Treaty of Paris- was givin to us when we won the rvolutinary war.

3. Lousiana Purchase- Bought it from France because they needed money to win the war against Brittain and plus France didin’t want Lousiana.

4. Florida- people from Florida were rading Georgia farms so James Monroe sent Andrew Jackson to set them straight. Instead he raides Florida and takes over millitary camps. James Monroe than sent a letter to Spain saying govern Florida right, or get out.

5. Texas- Moses started a colonie in spanish Texas but when he died his son Stephan took over. Mexico than had been independit from Spain. Mexico than made Stephan follow some laws. Than the colonie started to grow and people started to complaine so Mexico closed it self to all immagrents. Stephan wanted to talk about the issues with the mexican leader, Santa Anne, Santa Anne through Stephan in jail and when he got out he was rebillious and became independent for a whil then it becam part of the U.S.A

6. Oregon Country- was claimed by four nations Russian, Spain Brittain, and the United States. Soon only the Brittain and the U.S were the only ones and made a peaceful “joint occupation” of Oregon.

7. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- Mexico was at war with the United States. But Polk wanted more land from Mexico. General Kearney took New Mexico and California. Than american troops took over Mexico city. Than the United States and Mexico make a treaty called the “ Traety of Guadalupe Hidalgo” Mexico than gave half of it’s territories to the U.S for 15 million dlls.

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