Thursday, March 26, 2009

30 jasmine cruz

William Carlos Williams
This Is Just To Say
1) I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
saving for breakfast.
Forgive me
they were so delicious sweet
and so cold.
Peace On Earth
2) The Archer is wake!
The Swan is flying!
Gold against blue
An Arrow is lying.
There is hunting in heaven—
Sleep safe till tomorrow.

The Bears are abroad!
The Eagle is screaming!
Gold against blue
Their eyes are gleaming!
Sleep! Sleep safe till tomorrow.

The Sisters lie
With their arms intertwining;
Gold against blue
Their hair is shining!
The Serpent writhes!
Orion is listening!
Gold against blue
His sword is glistening!
There is hunting in heaven—
Sleep safe till tomorrow.

3)When I am alone I am happy.
The air is cool.
The sky is
flecked and splashed and wound
with color. The crimson phalloi
of the sassafras leaves
hang crowded before me in shoals
on the heavy branches.
When I reach my doorstep I
am greeted by the happy
shrieks of my children and my heart sinks.
I am crushed.

Are not my children
as dear to me as falling
leaves or must one become
stupid to grow older?
It seems much as if Sorrow
had tripped up my heels.
Let us see, let us see!
What did I plan to say to
her when it should happen
to me as it has happened now?

4)Ecstatic bird songs pound
the hollow vastness of the
sky with metallic clinkings--
beating color up into it at a far edge,--
beating it, beating it with rising,
triumphant ardor,--
stirring it into warmth,
quickening in it a spreading change,--
bursting wildly against it as
dividing the horizon,
a heavy sun lifts himself--
is lifted--
bit by bit above the edge of things,
--runs free at last out into the open--!
lumbering glorified in full release upward--
songs cease.

Love Song
5) I lie here thinking of you:---

the stain of love
is upon the world!
Yellow, yellow, yellow
it eats into the leaves,
smears with saffron
the horned branched the lean
against a smooth purple sky!
There is no lightonly a honey-
thick stain
that drips from leaf to leaf
and limb to limb
spoiling the colors
of the whole world-

you far off there underthe wine-
red selvage of the west!

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