Thursday, March 26, 2009

23 johnny

How to read a poem

How to read a poem well you need to read the poem more then once read each stanza carefully
And think about it because every stanza has an important meaning .and a stanza is like a paragraph but in a poem its called a stanza .

Repetition is meant for a lot of reasons like to make you remember something that they want you to remember . Its cool because it makes the poem sound better


Imagery is like something that you imagine like when they say a potato that’s imagery and when there telling there poem and want to say something they say a word that makes you think of an image

A metaphor is like when you’re comparing things together or you are trying to say something that means something like that metaphors are used to make you understand something In a different way

Rhythm rhyme
Rhythm and rhyme are important because
A regular rhythm is when there’s a beat to the poem. When the rhythm is irregular rhythm is when it doesn’t have a continuous beat. Rhyming makes the poem sound like a rap or something like that


the theme is like message of the poem its kind of like the whole reason the poet made the poem
to tell you what he is trying to say like the message

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