Wednesday, March 25, 2009

24 levi How To Read A Poem

First read the poem more than one time.Then carefully read each stanza. A stanza is like a paragraph but in a poem. when you are done reading each stanza you should right a one summary for each stanza.And put all the summary's together and read it and you'll find out what the poetry writer is saying in his or her poem.
Repetition is words in the poem that are repeated.Repetition helps you in the poems because a lot of the words that are repeated.The words that are repeated are usually the words that are the meaning to the poem. so there like clues.
Imagery is words that make a picture and you see it in your mind.Imagery helps you when reading a poem because you can actually get a picture in your mind and see what the poetry writer is saying.
A metaphor is a few words put together and they mean something but not exactly what it really says.For instance "he is the big cheese" the person who was called the "big cheese" is not really a big cheese. He is just a really important person.
Rhythm, Rhyme
Rhythm and Rhyme.First rhythm is like a beat it helps what your reading flow. So you wont get bored reading it. Rhyme makes the poem sound cool. so you'll get into it. And understand it more.
The theme/message in a poem is the most important thing in a poem.It is what the poem means. the theme/message helps cause if you know what the theme/message is than you'll know what the rest of the poem is about. So when you are reading a poem you should look out for the them/message. By the way "theme and message" ARE THE SAME THING.

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