Wednesday, March 25, 2009

03 trever

Poem analysis Worksheet1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words: dead, body, and house.
That’s what the poem is about2. What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use: he uses mostly sight he sees he sees an old run down house and a dead woman on the floor. 3.

Explain the metaphors: the house I think the house stands for a person but im not sure4.

Is there a regular rhythm? No Is there regular rhyme? no

How do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem? It doesn’t.5. What is the theme or message of the poem?

: forgive a person for what they did, and there might be a good person under a bad image. 6.

Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with): I liked pretty much every thing in this poem and I like the description of the house

1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words? There aren’t any2.

What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use.

The silence, and the stars up in the sky.3. Explain the metaphors. There isn’t any metaphors 4. Is there a regular rhythm? N0 Is there regular rhyme? no

How do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem? There is no rhythm or rhyme 5.

What is the theme or message of the poem? Get away from the city and go to the country and chill out and appreciate all of it.

Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with) I like this poem I only wish it was longer

Poem analysis Worksheet1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words? Captain o captain, fallen dead and cold. Captain o captain is repeated because it is the title.2. What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use: bleeding drops of red, cold and dead, your lips pale and dead?3. Explain the metaphors: none4. Is there a regular rhythm: yesis there regular rhyme: yes?How do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem: the flow and it is easier to read5 what is the theme or message of the poem? Use text examples from each stanza: it’s about an important person dying. It talks about a captain dying and he is important. 6. Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with) I liked the rhythm but not the length of the poem.

Poem analysis Worksheet1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words: sing, soldiers.2. What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use:war worn weapons, stormy conflict, clouds in the sky. 3. Explain the metaphors: nor more for his life than a stormy conflict, no more of times dark events.4. Is there a regular rhythm: noIs there regular rhyme: NOHow do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem: it doesn’t.5. What is the theme or message of the poem? Use text examples from each stanza: the poem is about the horrors of war, it talks about the soldiers heavy hearts, a dead commander and worn weapons of war.
6. Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with) I like this poem the best out of all his poems the length was god and what the poem was about was good.

Poem analysis Worksheet1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words: None
2. What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use: dust 3. Explain the metaphors: dust was once a man4. Is there a regular rhythm: NO
Is there regular rhyme: noHow do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem: it doesn’t.5. What is the theme or message of the poem? Use text examples from each stanza: man was once dust meaning maybe someone died in the end of the poem it talks about the union meaning the civil war. 6. Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with): this poem was way to short only 3 lines

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