Sunday, March 29, 2009

14 carlos

How to Read a Poem
To read a poem the first thing you need to know is that poems aren't aways what they seem, such as a art, to get the full meanig or picture you are going to need to look at it more then once.
it also helps to read a poem out loud ecause in your mind word could gt mixed up or some what transleted to a false meaning. An other important thing to about poems are stanzas their tittle may make them seemm complicatated ut they are simpy how th poem is organized like paragraphs to an essay
Repetition is when a phrase or phrases are repeated. The most common reason word phrases are repeated is because the poet wants the phrase to really get into the readers head. Repetition can really be useful, because it might help you find the theme or message of the poem by pointing out what is important. An example of this is Jack Frost were he writes “ and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep” which simply ment he has a long time to g before he dies.
Imagery is basically when the peot tries to put a picture or pictures into your head. It actuly dosen't even have to be a visal picture. It could be taste, smell, hearing,or feeling. do you rememeber as kid when to th library,they had children books with buttons that made noises or patches of fur glued on to the card board pages
A metephor is when a poet is saying somthing that means some diffrent then what he is actualy saying.(weird Huh?)I am not positve on the comeplete meaning of a metaphor, actuly i think metaphors are exsist to help explain meannig or to entertain the reader by giving them somthing to figure out other wise a poem would seem extremely boring . if you would be able to find a poem without a metaphor it would defenetly be a very odd poem
rhymeI am not sure ryhming is when the writing seems to blend together.iF a peom you would read a poem with out ryhming you would probly notice each sentance better but if there was was you would get the big iddeathe best example would be i wil not eat green eggs and ham sam i am by dr suess
the theme is what the poem whole poem is about. this the main reason a poem is writen

wlliam carlos williams
In a majority of william carlos williams poems he seems to talk about diffrent types of sensations or feelings. He talks about them by comparing them to other situation such as flying for happiness wich is some obious. other times it isn't so obuois . such as the poem A Sort Of Songwich he wrought in his own way how to write a poem. in this poem he seemed to be annoyed by recent songs of his times content.

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