Tuesday, March 24, 2009

14 carlos

Poem (as a cat)
As the cat climbed over
the top of the jamcloset
first the right forefoot
care fully then
the hind stepped down into the pit ofthe empty

william carlos williams
1. What phrases are repeated? None
2. What images (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory)?
3. Explain metaphors. I’m not sure exactly but I do know that in some way this poem is trying to relate to the events of a cat
4. What rhythm or rhyme scheme does the poem have? How does this affect meaning? None, because the poet wants you to stop and think about every line.
5. What is the theme or message of the poem? Give text examples from each stanza. I am not sure, maybe it has some ting to do with the first step (you should be careful) to get to your goals, (like the cat carefully taking its first step into the jamcloset. I have inferred that the jamcloset is some were people store dry goods which the cat might have smelled and is trying to get to. His goals basically.)

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