Friday, November 6, 2009

Victoria De Anda eassy

"Do you like chocolate or candy"? Hear you will read about good and ad things about chocolate and candy. When you finsh reading you will see if you like chocolate or candy.

Candy has all the flavors you can think of. You can lick, bite, or chew and it lives no pices behin. It's very sweet and wont have to worry about taking your time and take the stuff of your teeth.

Chocolate is very tasty. Some of it stays in your mought and still taste it. It melts in your mought and you don't have to worry about ithing and bithing untill your teeth fall of.

Chocolate has a less veraiety then candy for example: whit chocolate, dark chocolate, milck chocolate, and chocolate with filling like caramell.Chocolate leaves pices behind in your teeth and has more calories.

Candy is very hared and leaves caviethys on your teeth. When you suck on one it slowly disolves in your mought. It's also very sticky and when you unrape it somtimes the raper sticks on your candy.

Both sweets have many diffrences, but falls undder cadagory or diserts.

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