Monday, November 9, 2009

Manuel T.V. Violence Essay

Should we limit TV violence? I say we should limit TV violence for many reasons .One of them is that American children watch too much television and a lot of its violence. Also TV can affect kid in many ways. But in the other hand there are many reasons why we shouldn’t limit television violence.
But I steel say we should limit TV violence.

First of all American children watch to much TV violence. American children watch an average of 3 hours to 4 hours a day. A lot of viewing of TV violence courses greater aggressiveness .Kid's who see show's or program's wear violence is really realistic are more likely to do what they see in television. Second of all television can affect kids in many way’s.

Television can be a powerful influence in a kid. Hundreds of studies have found that television
Can affect kids and teens in horrible ways. One of them is that they become numb to the horror of television violence. Another way that can affect them is that they accept violence as a way to solve problems. Also they can imitate what they see in television. But in the other hand there are reasons why we should not limit television violence.

In the other hand it will be hard to limit television violence. The reason it will be hard is because the First Amendment. It is really hard to fight against it because in it there is freedom of speech. But there are limits in the First Amendment. For example there is pg, pg13, R.

In conclusion I say we should limit TV violence.
One of them is that American children watch too much television and a lot of its violence. Also TV can affect kid in many ways. But in the other hand there are many reasons why we shouldn’t limit television violence. In conclusion I say that we should limit TV violence.

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