Friday, November 6, 2009

Emily V.

I don't think people should tent their houses for termites. There are alternate ways of killing termites. It also costs a lot. Some might have enough money, But there are other ways of getting rid of them.

There are six alternatives to tenting. Somebody can heat them to 120 degrees Farenheight. Somebody can freeze them at negative 20 degrees Farenheight. Someone can microwave them. You also have the option to use the Sentricon Colony Elimination System, which uses a tiny amount of the kind of poison used in tenting. Shocking and using oil from orange peels works, too.

Tenting costs a lot. The price is about $3,000 give or take. The prices of the alternatives are less than that. The heat treatment costs from $1,250- $2,500. The electro- gun and microwaving costs about $1,150.

I don’t think people should tent their houses for termites. There are other ways to get rid of them. Tenting costs a lot. The alternatives are less expensive and more environmentally friendly. So, don't tent your house.

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