Friday, November 6, 2009

Circle - Jose

Mr. Smith and I were sitting talking about dumb explore thingy? Then Nazaria came and said she was missing her four papers. Mr S. got up and looked for the four papers while I sat down and did noting. So we couldn't find her papers so we interview her of her stress she was going threw. So we interview her CNN way because she wouldn't let us see her face! Later on Nazaria found her papers and we couldn't interview her CNN way even thought I really wanted too.

So what the heck is up with parents? Parents are to dumb to see that were having CHILDHOOD STRESS! Parents have to work and pay bills and do boring stuff like that! So think we don't have stress. Well I really want to beat my parents up but I can't! So they interview me CNN way and I said," Parents! We children are going threw stress. Academic and social pressure OK! So parents your not the only one! Thank you for your time."

Your at your ugly table eating rice beacause your HUNGRY! So your all alone doing noting and staring at your white rice. Then you hear something you never herd! You hear your parents yell at each other. You think for a minute or an 1 hour or maybe 100 hours. Then you listen and hear," Stew! You know we need that money!" So you act like a horse when they come downstairs! You eat your rice like a pig and watch how your parents don't talk to each other. You sigh and say," Maybe that's how i'm going." Then you eat your rice and paly some PSP!

The homework attack! Run for you life! The school is eating children and making them work all night and day! Yes you start running and hide behind a tree while the walking eating school passes you. To much work no time to play! Many kids are dieing out of TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! Kids want to play someday intead of doing homework! I mean really you should play some day intead of sitting down and be slave for your mom! We play that's how we learn and suppose to DO! So teachers don't be a ruler and give us a break!

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