Thursday, November 5, 2009


In my opinion violence on the television should be limited because safety for kids is a lot more important than pleasure for adults. Children act due to what they see, and T.V violence can lead them to do dangerous things. Other kids have a sensitive mind and very strong imagination, one vivid scene can traumatize them. Other people, adults/kids, don't have complete sanity and watching gory movies can only give an example or idea them. It is argued that parents should be there with their kids when they watch T.V, not the station's responsibility, but parents are very busy people, and they aren't always there to limit what their children see.
It's a fact that kids do what they see and if they saw a possessed , killer child stabbing someone, they would probably think that its okay-that its what kids do. If they see a video game where, usually you have three lives, they would believe that everyone has three lives. There is one case where not too long ago, there was a little boy who shot a little girl because he bugged him and his answer to it all was "I'll see her tomorrow anyways."
"Special" people who cant think like a normal person does, shouldn't watch killer movies because some of these people can be dangerous mostly because they only know how to react violently to begin with. They can be uncontrollable and impulsive; anything can set them off. Some of those people don't know that their "special" and the situation isn't good when they don't have a doctor's supervision, and it gets worse if they see violence on T.V.
There are some very sensitive kids in this world, and they have to be very careful with what they see or hear. Now a days you can find anything on both Television and Internet, when these kids see heads being chopped off and blood flying everywhere, it would probably really scare them. Usually, when your young you have a BIG imagination, and when your walking in the dark alone, they see things that aren't there. Being paranoid can really ruin some one's life, starting out young can ruin some one's childhood too.
People argue that parents are supposed to know what their kids are watching, but parents work, run errands, go grocery shopping, and do a lot of stuff. They don't have time to be watching their kids' every move neither limit what they watch on T.V. The same people say that we all have freedom of speech, and that getting rid of violence limits their creativity. For one thing, they abuse the First Amendment, and the only exception it has is when its dangerous or a threat. Violence is a threat and it is dangerous. They can be creative but they can have limits. We don't have to get rid of violence completely, just not be so gory and bloody.
We should stop violence on T.V because we need to keep the kids safe, out of danger and out of trouble. Everyone is different and they all react differently, that said, we should take care of what they see because you never know what might happen to them, or what they might do. Yes, people have the right to freedom of speech, and yes they have the right to be creative, but everything has its limits, and we have gone way beyond them.

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