Sunday, November 8, 2009

Emily V.

I don’t think people should tent their houses for termites. There are alternate ways of killing termites. It also costs a lot. Some people might have enough money.

There are six alternatives to tenting. Somebody can heat them to 120 degrees Farenheight. Somebody can freeze them at -20 degrees Farenheight. Someone can microwave them. You also have the option to use the Sentricon Colony Elimination System, which uses a tiny amount of the kind of poison used in tenting. Shocking (using an electro-gun) and using oil from orange peels works, too.

Tenting costs a lot. The price is about $3,000 give or take. The prices of the alternatives are less than that. The heat treatment costs from $1,250- $2,500. The electro-gun and microwaving costs about $1,150.

Some people might have enough money. Like I said before, the alternatives get rid of termites and keep more money in your pocket. They are also more environmentally friendly.
I don’t think people should tent their houses for termites. There are other ways to get rid of them. Tenting costs a lot. The alternatives are less expensive and more environmentally friendly. So, don’t tent your house!

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