Thursday, September 24, 2009

dejaih thompson

there aren't a lot of women in math and science. women dont want to work in math because there not smart. so for some women to be smart they go to scince camp wene there a child so they can become smarter as a child so wene there older they csn get a job in science. the camp they go to is sally ride camp for girls. the camp teaches scence in a fun way thats why the girls come home much more smarter.
the camp is only for girls. studys say that boys get more attion in school so the girls at this camp can be free from boys. boys tends to interup the girls when they are talking. they also say that boys are called on more then gils at school. thats why this camp is a all girl camp free from the boys being called on more and being interuped by the bays too.
the girls at this camp get to play with things, go out side and play around. the girls experemet the things they learn and touch and feel the sourndings. they get too meet new freinds to help them learn.
the teachers at the camp want them to be smarter girls. the teachers help them with there experiment and work that thy do the teachers are all girls too so the girls are comfeteble.


Julia T. said...

it suck butt

Julia T. said...

it was sucks

Julia T. said...

it is ok i wont to say this because i am family

Julia T. said...

it is so wonderful