Thursday, September 24, 2009

~ Brielle's Work ~

Does Rap Have a Negative Impact on Kids?
Rap influences children negative impacts. Rap music's lyrics are often violent and tends to insult females. This type of music has caused aggression among kids. Although, rap is this generations poetry, rap's messages have bad influences and negative impacts. Rap has negative impacts on kids, parents should beware to what their children listen to.

Programs for Girls to Enjoy Math and Science
Girls need programs to make their ability stronger in math and science. Schools should have tutors and programs to help them in these studies. If schools know that girls aren't good in at math and science, why don't they do something about it?

Girls need programs to get them excited about math and science. A study show that girls don't have self-confidence in these subjects. Another study shows that girls say, "I can do it, I just don't want to." Schools need to give girls self-confidence to get on performing in these subjects.

If a school can have an after school program or tutor, a girl may want to focus more in these subjects. Girls are always complaining about how much they hate science and math or how they don't want to do it, or how it's too hard. Tutors and programs can get them motivated to want to enjoy math and science.

Although, females need programs to help them in math and science, girls may not want to participate at all. If they don't enjoy the classes, they won't want to try to succeed.

If a school could just spend a bit of money to help girls enjoy math and science, girls might not dread the classes anymore.

1 comment:

Whiner said...

Is it allowed for random people to chime in here? :)

This bit:

Girls are always complaining about how much they hate science and math or how they don't want to do it, or how it's too hard.

Is interesting because honestly, an awful lot of boys are always complaining about those things too. Lots of people, male and female, don't like math. But there's often this perception that it's only GIRLS who have trouble with math, and that it's somehow more appropriate for girls to just give up... And that is one of the big problems.

In environments where girls are expected to succeed, they are more successful.

(See also, the 'Science Girls!' video game. :) )