Thursday, June 4, 2009


1. Purpose of the Play
the play was about a rich, mean, talented girl who goes to a school of creative arts and thinks she has to be perfect because of her parents and a girl whos parents are mexican and are hoping for her to be the first person in her family to graduate. they are first enemies because alicia, the rich one, is all mean but only because her parents say she has to be perfect. they get a new dance teacher that is really nice and she makes alicia, the rich one, and coco,the one in the mexican family.

2. The requirements of the Play
the requirements for the play were to act when it was our turn, be quiet when its not our turn, set up sets when we have to, and have fun

3. Describe the process of building a play
first we got to get fame and tear it apart and put new pieces on to make it a new kind of fame but then we tore that apart and made domino effect and it was awesome and it was a great learning expierience.

4. Describe some conccepts you learned.
i learned how to

5. Talk about something you struggled with or enjoyed a lot
learning what a counciler is like

6. Reflect on what you learned
i learned how to act and

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