Wednesday, January 13, 2010


the first emperor of china made a great wall of china .for barbarians that was the bad people that wanted to harm. the great wall stretched to 15100 feet it took 30 years to build the sung was obsessd with its death.he searched for immorality he got obsessed with magic for immortality.

he heard ther wher inmortals in the land so he was trying to find he started to build a tomb with a black horse it took thirty years to construct it..the emperor dided when he was visiting provines.over centurys they put him in his tomb in dirt to a 1994 a peasant found a clay warrior beried.

the clay warriros wher berid and theres a lot more to find.most of the stauts wher broken to pices.pepole have digd up a lot of warriors but not evrybody has bien able they have to be traiend to knot break eny staute.

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