Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The first emperor was a very powerful man who was
the founder of China. He was so powerful he order 700,000
people to build his tomb. This is the story of the first emperor
of China.

Ch'in Shih Huang Ti became emperor of China at the age of 13!
He started as a emperor of Ch"in. China was made out of states
at that time so the emperor declared himself as the emperor of China!
The name China even comes from the his name Ch'in!

The emperor became to get obsessed with his death. People have tried to kill him but they have all failed. If he died his family would have to be put to death too! So near the mountain of Li he started ordering 700,000 people to built his tomb! His tomb had 6,000 terra-coota soldiers and had traps so no one could touch his tomb

In March 1974 people dug up his tomb and found 4 pits of soldiers/vehicles! The forth pit was empty. The people tryed to put some terra-cotta soldiers back into pieces. Today people can walk on the tomb and watch all of the terra-cotta soldiers!

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