Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The h1n1 virus is a virus that involves pigs. it started when humans came in contact with infected piggy's.the people then passed it on to other people. the h1n1 is very contagious and daingerous.the people who have it cant go to public places or they will spred it and the other people will get it. Another things is if u have it u cant go to work especully if you work at a restraunt or as a cook or you will put it in there food and they will get it.You can die from the H1N1 virus because if youre alergic to the the medication and you take it you will get swollen and youre trought will get swollen and wont be able to breath.The H1N1 virus is like the pleuge because it spred all over the united states and other places and affected peoples lives and killed alot of people in less than a year.

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