Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The first Emperor
They called him Ch'inShih huang they called him that beause it'suppous to mean the first emperor.when he first turned 13 he ruled his land.In 221b.c he proclaimed him the king of land is now called china. He traveled constanly so no one would know where he would be. he was always thinking about his death he herd about a rumor about being immortals.

He sent a fleet to seek out the island but the fleet did'nt find it but he knew if he went back to the emperor he would kill him so he never came back some rumors that the fleet stayed to be a ancestors but no one knew for shure.

He builed a tomb threre was a 6,0000 coota soliders he called it the spirt army it suppous to proctect him the tomb was thre for 30 years thats how much time it took to do the army and bulid the tomb. he diid'nt wanted to die to live for ever.

He travel alots of times beause no one would know where he would be so no one would try to kill he beause other villages would kill he for ruleing the other land that the first emperor.The tomb was under a fermers place in the future.

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