Friday, April 17, 2009

19 Christian--Childrens Rhyme

By what sends
the white kids
I ain't sent:
I know I can't
be President.
What don't bug
them white kids
sure bugs me:
We know everybody
ain't free.
Lies written down
for white folks
ain't for us a-tall:
Liberty And Justice--
Huh!--For All?

1. What words or phrases are repeated? Why does the poet repeat these words?
  • White kids/folks
  • bugs me

2. What images (using any of the five senses) does the poet use.(visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory)


  • the white kids


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None

3. Explain the metaphors.

  • "Liberty And Justice--Huh!--For All? " which means he is trying to tell us that Liberty And Justice For All, he is saying is Liberty and Justice FOR ALL or just for whites.
4. Is there a regular rhythm?Is there regular rhyme?How do rhythm and/or rhyme affect the poem?
  • No rhyme
  • The rhythm helps the poem flow so the reader can understand it better.

5. What is the theme or message of the poem? Use text examples from each stanza.
  • The message or the poem is that whit kids are treated like royalty and the black kids are treated like there slaves. I think Langston is trying to say that he could be the president he would change the law about black and white people. he just wants equal rights.
6. Write you reaction (what you liked or didn't like, agreed or disagreed with)
  • I like how he is giving a stand agianst the unfair rights and wants the law to be equal.

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