Friday, April 3, 2009

18 paul

Bless God, he went as soldiers

147Bless God, he went as soldiers,His musket on his breast—Grant God, he charge the bravestOf all the martial blest!Please God, might I behold himIn epauletted white—I should not fear the foe then—I should not fear the fight! Emily Dickinson


Poetry Analysis Sheet1. What phrases are repeated?None

2. What images (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory)?A dying tiger moaned for drink the fact that he was dead

3. Explain metaphors.'Twas not my blame—who sped too slow—'Twas not his blame—who died it is not the tigers fault that he is dying it is just natures way

4. What rhythm or rhyme scheme does the poem have? How does this affect meaning?None

5. What is the theme or message of the poem? Give text examples from each stanza.
Do not die without achieving your goals Even when your looking and death in the
Eyes you still have a goalA Dying Tiger—moaned for Drink But 'twas—the fact that He was dead— His Mighty Balls—in death were thick—

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