Monday, January 5, 2009

43 barbara padilla bets form of fitness for mr.r

Barbara Padilla
5 January 2009
Mr. Rachlin
Best Form of Fitness

A good form of exercise would be an easy accessible exercise that won’t take much time. I think that the best form of exercise for a man like you would be the Wii fitness program. All that you would need is to stay at home, buy a Wii and the Wii fitness game and follow its instructions. It is a virtual game that takes into consideration your body type and helps you physically by practicing games that actually help improve you fitness. I think that this would be a very beneficial exercise program for you.

The Wii fitness works by first creating a Mii which is your virtual character. You then get told your Wii fit age which reflects how successfully you preformed on the Wii balance test. The Wii may even be able to tell you that you may be over weight. Since the Wii is still a computer is still does have few lose ends, but still they are minor flaws that are not to be worried about. Balance, on the other hand, is just one of the four components in the Wii fitness game. Each category is exercised by doing virtual games and activities that pin point that one category.

The Wii fitness works efficiently because it is able to help one with fitness by exercising in games. The Wii targets certain components to improve on so there forth you would be able to know exactly what you are doing so you don’t waste your time on something that isn’t needed. And in the different categories in the game, if you are to exercise long enough you can unlock more games. So this game motivates you to progress. Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, a chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) says, “With the aerobics and even the strength training, the activities become more challenging and they encourage you to do more repetitions, so there is a built-in progression," And the Wii will also tell you if you are doing certain activities incorrect. It can give you helpful tips if you need them. This advanced game is not only useful for one person but any one of all ages can enjoy the fun activities that the game has to offer. And even if you buy the Wii you can also buy other games that go along with it to play and enjoy. The Wii is a more advanced sort of game because it allows you to interact and move around in and with the game to help exercise your body. I know that when I played the Wii sports and was challenged in boxing, it really got my blood pumping because after a few rounds in the ring, I was exhausted and my arms were sore from throwing a few to many punches.

I think the Wii would be a better exercise decision because it is something new and efficient that will not bore you and will help to motivate you. Some people get embarrassed when they are at the gym or go for a jog, but with the Wii fitness program you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home and you can exercise when ever you have the time. The Wii fitness game is something enjoyable to do, but at the same time you are able to improve you physical fitness. You will be able to focus longer and concentrate on what you are doing because you won’t be worried about how much time you have or how bored you may be. Though it may be expensive the Wii fitness game will be worth it. Marc Franklin, a director of public relations for Nintendo of America explains, "Many Wii Fit activities are directed towards a 'core' workout, a popular exercise method that emphasizes slower, controlled motions," So this exercise plan does have a good basis and foundation, and though it may not be the most affective it is a good way to start to get back into shape and to encourage you to get more physically fit.

You work all day and when you come home to your family that last thing you have on your mind is exercise. But with the Wii, even though you are a working man and a family man, you can schedule in this exercise routine when ever you have the time. And all you have to do is plug in the Wii, insert the game and begin. Its advance interactive games may not be as great or as efficient as really going out and doing those activities but they are a good place to start and a great way to get motivated to progress and continue to be more physically fit. The Wii fitness program would be a great starting point towards you goal of finding the best form of fitness.

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