Friday, January 9, 2009

36 Desiree

Walking is something that almost all people do everyday. Most of us just consider it an everyday performance that is nearly absolutely necessary but, we hardly think of the amazing benefits this form of exercise can bring. Walking is easily the best and easiest way to stay fit and healthy your entire life.
An exercise that you can do all of your life is a good form of exercise. According to the Presidents Counsel on Fitness and Exercise 39.4% of all regular male walkers are over the age of 65. Walking is the only exercises that people can do all of their life. Rates of people walking do not decline in their later years which means no matter what age you are you can stay healthy and fit in an easy relaxing way.
Walking is something that everyone can do. you don't need any money to walk for fitness. You don't have to take any special lessons or buy and equipment it is perfectly free. Walking is also something that people can do anywhere anytime. You don't have to go to a gym or any special area. You can walk on a sidewalk, road, trail, park or even in a shopping mall. You can also walk almost anytime of the day. The morning, afternoon, and evening are all suitable times for a good walk. Walking is also a good form of transportation, while getting to where you need to go you also get to burn some calories.
Some people may say that walking is too easy to be a good form of exercises but actually it has become well known as a great form of exercises. According to the Counsel walking lowers your heart rate, increases lung and heart efficiency, lowers blood pressure, and burns excess calories. Walking does an amazing amount of good for your body and helps your circulatory system drastically. The Counsel also stated that walking burns almost the same amount of calories per mile as running. Walking is less strenuous and does virtually gives you the same results as running does.
Walking has a continuous amount of benefits and conveniences. From being convenient, healthy, and easy enough to continue doing your whole life. With obesity numbers rising and the world of fast food sky rocketing all of us need a way to stay in shape. Walking is something that all people could use for exercises and is something that Americans and people all over the world should do to increase their health. We may not have the money to be an exercises machine or a gym membership but we don't need any money to walk outside, breathe in the fresh air, and move our legs.

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